New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
A large donation from the EU regional Trust Fund in response to the Syria crisis, the ‘Madad’ Fund, enables the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to assist up to one million Syrian refugees and their host communities in the region over the next three years.
This EUR 49 million support will help Syrian refugees now living in neighboring countries to Syria – Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. The programme will improve well-being, resilience and foster peaceful coexistence among vulnerable refugee and host communities in countries affected by the Syria crisis, thus contributing to overall stability in the region. The project offers livelihood support, risk management, health and psychosocial support.
The project is funded by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘Madad' Fund, which is supported by 23 donors, the European Commission, and the EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey for activities in Turkey. This is the largest single donation received by any NGO in Denmark and the largest financial support by the EU to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Putting action behind their good intentions
“I wish to express my sincere gratitude for the generous donation received by the EU through which we will be able to help the many vulnerable Syrian refugees living in the neighboring countries who are in desperate need of assistance. We welcome our cooperation with the EU and are pleased about how the EU as a role model puts action behind their good intentions,” says Danish Red Cross secretary general Anders Ladekarl.
Nadim Karkutli, Manager of the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘Madad' Fund – European Commission, says:
“We are pleased to be able to assist many vulnerable Syrian refugees through this large cooperation with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the world’s largest humanitarian organisation. They have a substantial presence in and around Syria during this crisis and are thus an ideal partner for the EU. Most importantly, this programme brings together numerous European, Arab and Turkish partners in a truly joint effort to 'help together' – the meaning of 'Madad'.”
The programme is led by the Danish Red Cross but consists of a large cooperation between 15 Red Cross societies, involving: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Egypt Red Crescent Society, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Iraq Red Crescent Society, Jordanian Red Crescent Society, Lebanese Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Palestine Red Crescent, Spanish Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, Turkish Red Crescent Society and Danish Red Cross.
The programme is funded by the European Commission.
For further contact or information, please contact:
John Engedal Nissen, Communications Officer & Advisor, MADAD / Danish Red Cross, telephone: +45 3525 9319 / +45 2066 2822, email:
Iris Abraham, Communications and Outreach, EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the 'Madad Fund', DG NEAR, European Commission, telephone: +32 2 296 7209, email:
About the 'Madad' Fund:
Since its establishment in December 2014, an increasing share of the EU’s non-humanitarian aid for Syria’s neighbouring countries is provided through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis, the 'Madad' Fund. The Trust Fund brings a more coherent and integrated EU aid response to the crisis and primarily addresses longer term economic, educational, protection and social needs of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq, and supports overstretched host communities and their administrations. Today the EU Regional Trust Fund is also one of the key instruments through which the new EU partnership priorities with Jordan and Lebanon will be implemented.
For media inquiries, please contact Eva Oyón on: or +32 2 235 09 22