Typhoon Haiyan: two years on
Two years after Super Typhoon Haiyan (local name: Yolanda) devastated the central Philippines, the Philippine Red Cross and its Red Cross and Red Crescent movement partners have helped tens of thousands of families get back on their feet by building safer homes, health facilities and classrooms; providing financial support and training to boost people’s livelihoods and ensuring that the health of thousands more is improved through access to better sanitation.
As of the end of October, the Red Cross Haiyan Recovery Program had directly reached more than 880,000 people with shelter, livelihood support, water, sanitation, health and education programs.
“The success of our Haiyan operation would not have been possible without the support of our partners in the Red Cross as well as private sector partners and individual donors who have generously contributed to help alleviate the suffering of those whose lives have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan,” said Philippine Red Cross Chairman Richard Gordon.
“Because of the massive destruction caused by Haiyan, there was an enormous outpouring of support that came to us to help restore people’s lives and dignity.”
During the relief phase in the months following Haiyan, the Red Cross reached 1.3 million people with emergency assistance which included cash payments to more than 90,000 families to meet their immediate needs. This was one of the biggest emergency cash distributions in the Red Cross’s history of responding to emergencies and disasters.
“I commend the Philippine Red Cross for their team's swift mobilisation and response to rescue operations after Typhoon Haiyan,” says Kari Isomaa, Head of Delegation for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Philippines.
“The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement will continue its work to empower communities, families and individuals to build back and improve their lives with safer homes and sustainable livelihoods until the operations are completed by mid-2016.”

The Philippine Red Cross’ Haiyan Recovery program, which is supported by the IFRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and partner National Societies, has so far built and repaired more than 65,000 homes in nine affected provinces, reaching 80 per cent of the target of 80,000 houses.
More than 59,000 households have received cash to restore their livelihoods. While the majority elected to buy livestock and seeds, some used existing skills to set up a small business selling food, clothes or craftwork.
Also under the livelihood programme, more than 1,000 young people from vulnerable households are completing skills training courses ranging from housekeeping to welding and automotive qualifications.
The Red Cross is also supporting community-managed livelihood projects which include rice mills, pineapple fibre weavers, artificial reefs, water refilling stations and organic farming.
The recovery program has improved sanitation and education facilities for 32 schools, while 38 health facilities have been repaired and reconstructed. Both programs are ongoing.
Hygiene promotion and sanitation programs run by Philippine Red Cross have reached 65,000 families and students, while 121 communities have participated in Community Based Health and First Aid sessions.
The Red Cross also focused on restoring classrooms so students can go back to school. 410 classrooms have been rehabilitated and reconstructed, benefiting 39,165 students.
For more information, please contact:
In Philippines:
Richard Gordon, Chairman, Philippine Red Cross
Tel : +63 917 899 7898 Email : chairman@redcross.org.ph
Edison Enriquez, Media Relations Officer, Philippine Red Cross
Tel : +63 935 568 9519 Email : edison.enriquez@redcross.org.ph
Kate Marshall, IFRC communications delegate
Tel: +63 998 960 6287 Email: kate.marshall@ifrc.org Twitter: @kateamarshall
In Kuala Lumpur:
Patrick Fuller, communications manager, Asia Pacific
Tel: +60 12 230 84 51; Email: patrick.fuller@ifrc.org Twitter: @pat_fuller
In Geneva:
http://www.ifrc.org/Global/Documents/Asia-pacific/201511/Pages%20from%20Typhoon_Haiyan_Movement_Infographic_%20October2015.pdfBenoit Matsha-Carpentier, Senior Communications Officer, IFRC
Mobile: +41 79 213 24 13 Email: benoit.carpentier@ifrc.org
For media inquiries, please contact Eva Oyón on: eva.oyon@redcross.eu or +32 2 235 09 22