The Red Cross EU Office produces various regular newsletters for members about different aspects of EU affairs. You can sign up, unsubscribe, and manage your preferences at any time by logging into your profile on our members’ area. Below are details on how to register, both for people who already have a members’ area account and for those who don’t. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to assist.
How to manage your subscriptions
If you don’t yet have a members’ area acount
Create an account here, introducing the requested details and selecting the newsletters that you want to receive. You will then be added to the relevant list.
As our members’ area is an internal service for staff and volunteers of the 30 member organisations of the Red Cross EU Office, we have a verification system to manage registration requests. We regularly check for incoming requests and aim to address them quickly. You will receive an email notification once your request has been approved by our team.
If you already have a members’ area account
Log in here by inserting your email address and password. Click on the top right-hand corner where your name appears and select “Profile”.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the newsletters you want to receive. If you no longer want to receive a particular newsletter, simply deselect it. You can also modify the information we have on you (name, email address, position, organisation).
Once you are happy with your choices you can “save” and “Log out” (under your name in the top-right hand corner).
Current Red Cross EU Office Newsletters
DM & DEVE Monthly Update – content and documents related to EU policies and issues in the field of international cooperation that are relevant to the international work of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, sent once a month.
Migration Weekly Updates – information on EU policy and developments, civil society news, funding opportunities and events in the field of migration and asylum, sent every week.
Social Insights – information on social trends and policies, Red Cross action in the social sector, and funding opportunities and events in the fields of social affairs, employment and inclusion, sent every month.
Monthly Newsletter – Information on the latest EU developments, covering the different themes of our work (Disaster Management, Development Cooperation, Migration and Asylum, Social Inclusion). Formerly sent out in pdf format as a monthly report.
News – ad-hoc communications from the office about key activities and positions, sent around eight to ten times per year.
Your privacy
We send our newsletters through the email marketing platform Campaign Monitor. In order to manage and optimise the newsletters that we produce, we retain personal (name and email address) and tracking data on this platform. For more details on your rights and how we process personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.