Search results for “Norwegian Red Cross”
20 results found in 5 categories.
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Red Cross EU Strategy 2022-2027
The Red Cross EU strategy 2022-2027 describes the strategic direction, goals and priorities of the work of the Red Cross EU Office and its members.Download pdf
10 news
The EU cannot shirk its responsibilities towards Afghans in need of international protection
Ahead of the Resettlement Forum, we call for an ambitious and additional resettlement programme for Afghan refugees and a flexible use of other available pathways to safety. -
Covid 19 conversation: new types of poverty are emerging
Paola Salerno from the Italian Red Cross and Karin Afeef from the Norwegian Red Cross discuss future needs and challenges in working to reduce poverty and social exclusion. -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
A new publication by the Red Cross EU Office showcases best practices and lessons learned by National Societies and IFRC to help people in need faster and more effectively. -
Arctic emergency response calls for cooperation and pre-planning
A new Finnish Red Cross report shows the need to enhance capacities and strengthen pre-planning for major accidents in the Arctic area. -
Red Cross leaders call for sustainable and responsible migration policies
On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office joins Red Cross leaders from across Europe in calling for humanity to be placed at the heard of CEAS reform negotiations. -
Madagascar plague: a no-regrets response
Drawing on the lessons learnt from the Ebola operation in 2014, the Red Cross Red Crescent has mounted its response to the plague outbreak in Madagascar. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
The EU-Turkey migration deal: a lack of empathy and humanity
The opinion of 23 European Red Cross Societies on the EU and Turkey agreement on migration. -
Spanish Red Cross received EU Health Award
Spanish Red Cross receives an EU Health NGOs Award for its exceptional work in fighting Ebola. -
21 Red Cross National Societies in the European Union call for more legal avenues to access protection
Our call to the European Union institutions to provide more legal avenues for those who need access to protection.
4 activities
Women Deliver Healthcare to Displaced Populations in Iraq
A joint initiative by the Iraqi Red Crescent and the Norwegian Red Cross helps deliver vital healthcare to vulnerable communities. -
Improving support for witnesses of crimes
The Witness Support Service of the Norwegian Red Cross provides emotional support and advice to those involved in court proceedings. -
Increasing the capacity of local actors: the Lebanon case
The partnership between the Lebanese Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross aimed to reduce the Lebanese Red Cross’ dependency on donors while increasing their ability to address local needs. -
Fuelling hope in northern Colombia
The Norwegian Red Cross and the Spanish Red Cross are supporting the Colombian Red Cross to deliver life-saving support in the conflict-torn areas of Colombia.