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Press release
IFRC calls for humane implementation of the European Pact on Asylum and Migration
As the focus on EU Pact on Migration and Aslyum shifts to implementation, IFRC calls on EU Member States to upholds the welfare, rights and dignity of all migrants. -
Local actors are key to addressing growing humanitarian needs
The European Humanitarian Forum focused on the unprecedented levels of humanitarian needs in the current context of forgotten crises and fragile humanitarian environments. -
Health and social care as a human right
We talked with Anya Blum to learn about the Austrian Red Cross’ work promoting long-term care in Austria and beyond. -
European Humanitarian Forum: for more effective and sustainable solutions
The third European Humanitarian Forum is an opportunity to promote dialogue among key stakeholders on pressing humanitarian challenges. -
Safe but uncertain: two years after displacement from Ukraine
Two years after the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, some people from Ukraine living in the EU face a situation of uncertainty. -
For a European Social Fund Plus that fosters inclusion
Based on Red Cross experience providing food aid and material support to people experiencing vulnerability, we contributed to the European Commission consultation on ESF+. -
2023 highlights
We continue to work with our members to engage with the EU to safeguard and respond to the needs of people experiencing vulnerability in the face of new and evolving crises. -
Bringing health care into communities
We had a conversation with the President of the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society Jill De Bourg to know more about their work in health. -
EU decision makers reach political consensus on the Pact: humane implementation of new rules is paramount
Following the political consensus reached on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, we urge co-legislators to conclude the reform in a spirit of humanity. -
Strengthening local actors
We had a conversation with Elias Solis and José Juan Castro to discuss lessons learned and good practices in the application of the localisation approach.