Latest news
The Grand Bargain: working towards localisation
The IFRC highlighted the need to expand the use of funding and strengthen capacities for localisation, in its address to COHAFA. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Press release
Life-saving role of Red Cross volunteers during Ebola outbreak highlighted by new study
The impact of the Safe and Dignified Burials teams shows the value of local level health capacities. -
Time to consider refugee protection in partnerships with third countries
We appeal to the EU to articulate its strategic relations and partnerships with third countries around considerations related to refugee protection. -
Examining human migration and wetlands at the European Development Days
The Red Cross participated in the presentation of the "Water Shocks" report about the Sahel, a key region of migration today. -
Civil society support for migrants: decriminalising solidarity and providing humanitarian admission
The Red Cross contributed to a conference on the role of civil society in supporting humanitarian admission of migrants in the EU. -
Press release
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Highlighting the range of work carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
EU funding for the integration of migrants
The Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross shared views on EU funding at the information day "EU funding for the integration of third-country nationals". -
Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations
Red Cross civil protection experts work on developing strategies to deal with the new kinds of risks faced in European cities.