Latest news
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Press release
Protecting the liberty of migrants
Red Cross EU Office recommendations to the European Union and Members States for limiting the use of immigration detention and developing alternatives. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
Reducing the use of immigration detention: lessons from Bulgaria
We talked to Mariana Stoyanova, head of Refugee-Migrant Service at the Bulgarian Red Cross, to find out more about immigration detention in Bulgaria. -
Shifting to a greener response
How the Red Cross Red Crescent is working to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of its humanitarian action. -
Integration in local communities: working with, and not for migrants
On 4 December, stakeholders gathered in Brussels to discuss how to better promote diversity and the integration of migrants across Europe through meaningful participation. -
Making the case for a balanced EU approach to migration and development
At the Tampere conference on 24-25 October, Finnish Red Cross Secretary General Kristiina Kumpula contributed views on the relationship between migration and development. -
The future of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
We join 18 CSOs in calling on EU co-legislators to work towards developing a more humane, transparent and effective Asylum and Migration Fund. -
Global Refugee Forum 2019: our call for EU leadership on resettlement
Ahead of the Global Refugee Forum on 17-18 December, we call on the EU and its Member States to demonstrate leadership on resettlement. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh.