Latest news
Madagascar plague: a no-regrets response
Drawing on the lessons learnt from the Ebola operation in 2014, the Red Cross Red Crescent has mounted its response to the plague outbreak in Madagascar. -
Ten years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid
The Consensus references most of the key humanitarian issues of today, from the humanitarian-development nexus to the localisation of aid. -
Working together to assist particularly vulnerable migrants
The highly participatory Rights of Migrants in Action Global Consultative Meeting gave rise to key findings that can be used to enhance future migration-related activities. -
Seventh FEAD Network Meeting: preventing food waste through FEAD actions
Actors in food waste prevention and food aid came together to discuss how it can be developed to best serve vulnerable people. -
Hurricane Irma: Red Cross preparation and response
Following the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Cross has been closely involved in assisting people across the affected region. -
The Grand Bargain: working towards localisation
The IFRC highlighted the need to expand the use of funding and strengthen capacities for localisation, in its address to COHAFA. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Press release
Life-saving role of Red Cross volunteers during Ebola outbreak highlighted by new study
The impact of the Safe and Dignified Burials teams shows the value of local level health capacities. -
Time to consider refugee protection in partnerships with third countries
We appeal to the EU to articulate its strategic relations and partnerships with third countries around considerations related to refugee protection. -
Examining human migration and wetlands at the European Development Days
The Red Cross participated in the presentation of the "Water Shocks" report about the Sahel, a key region of migration today.