Latest news
Converging Approaches to Combatting Homelessness in Europe
The Red Cross EU Office and French Red Cross hosted an event to identify strategies for prevention, response and actions to exit homelessness. -
Local approaches to support people who need food and material assistance
Amid the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities, the Belgian Red Cross is offering assistance to people struggling to make ends meet, including for the first time. -
Exclusion of rights at EU Borders: the new normal?
Ahead of International Migrants Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU to stop transforming Europe´s borders into areas of exclusion and exemption of human rights. -
The road towards affordable, high-quality long-term care in the EU
Our workshop on the European Care Strategy identified challenges to quality long-term care and how to resolve them, focusing on care for older people in Slovenia. -
The dignity and rights of people must be upheld at the EU’s eastern border
Amid the worsening humanitarian situation at the EU's border with Belarus, the focus needs to shift to ensuring respect for fundamental rights, in line with EU values. -
Haiti earthquake: an example of an internationally coordinated response effort
Three months after an earthquake struck Haiti, the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement continues to supporting recovery and reconstruction. -
EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in External Action
One year after the European Commission presented GAP III, it is still difficult to assess the difference it will make in the fight for gender equality in EU external action. -
Press release
Drowning just below the surface
A new report by IFRC showcases how people around the world were affected by the impacts of COVID-19 and how the response was adapted to support vulnerable communities. -
EU Action Plan on Migrant Smuggling: A missed opportunity to uphold the protection of humanitarian space
The European Commission's recently published Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling falls short in safeguarding the humanitarian space and access to protection for migrants. -
Red Social Innovation
A digital platform to share and learn about transformative social and technological innovations to help people cope with the socio-economic challenges of tomorrow.