Latest news
Migration Pact negotiations: Last chance to secure access to protection
The EU Migration and Asylum Pact reform needs to enhances mechanisms for identifying and addressing individual needs and vulnerabilities. -
New Agenda for EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
The future EU-CELAC partnership should build on local capacities and put the needs and rights of vulnerable people at its core. -
Reinforcing healthcare systems at national and European levels
In the framework of the European Public Health Week, we hosted the event “Accessing healthcare in the EU – Bridging gaps and tackling vulnerabilities”. -
Swedish Red Cross working to influence the Swedish Council Presidency
With the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU soon coming to an end, we look back at the priorities that the Swedish Red Cross has been working to promote at EU level. -
Food aid and cost-of-living crisis in Europe
RCEU and Eurodiaconia organised a roundtable at the European Parliament to discuss food aid and the consequences of the increase of cost-of-living crisis in Europe. -
No health without mental health: the EU’s long-awaited comprehensive approach to mental health
While applying a holistic approach to mental health, the EU's new mental health initiative needs to recognise the critical role of community-based mental health services. -
Press release
The world is not ready for the next pandemic, warns the IFRC
The IFRC's World Disasters Report focuses on how preparedness ahead of COVID-19 was inadequate, and how the world can prepare more effectively for future public health crises. -
Supporting local communities in need
With more and more people in Europe experiencing financial difficulties, the Belgian Red Cross alleviates their troubles by providing various types of assistance. -
Austrian Red Cross calls to uphold the humanity of migrants and refugees
Austrian Red Cross President Gerald Schöpfer calls for humane treatment, accommodation, and integration of migrants and refugees in Austria. -
Supporting people in Ukraine and beyond - the Czech Red Cross response
We caught up with four colleagues from the Czech Red Cross to hear about their work to support people within Ukraine and on the move.