Latest news
Legal preparedness needs more attention in Europe
Representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the UN and the Red Cross discussed the gaps and strengths in legal preparedness for disasters in Europe. -
EU aid: Lessons learned from 5 years of FEAD
The 17th meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) network took place in Brussels, bringing together experts from across Europe. -
Increasing preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region
Since the tragic Estonia ferry disaster 25 years ago, neighbouring Red Cross Societies have been strengthening their joint response capacities. -
Increasing numbers of asylum seekers facing challenges in Cyprus
The Cyprus Red Cross Society has been working to support asylum seekers and refugees who are arriving to the island at an increasing rate. -
21, accelerating social impact at the French Red Cross
Through its social innovation accelerator, the French Red Cross is implementing a transformation strategy that aims to increase its impact for society. -
Getting ready for school
In July and August, the Austrian Red Cross distributes school starter parcels among children attending primary and secondary school. -
Treating migrants and refugees with trauma in Sweden
How does the Swedish Red Cross help refugees and migrants who have suffered trauma linked to torture, armed conflict or dangerous migration journeys? -
The EU must stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants and refugees
We join over 100 independent organisations calling the new European Commission to stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants in Europe. -
An emerging humanitarian crisis at the EU’s border
The Red Cross has been providing critical humanitarian assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where living conditions faced by migrants are quickly deteriorating. -
Mental Health Matters
On 18 June, Red Cross Red Crescent representatives were at the European Development Days in Brussels to discuss mental health services for vulnerable people.