Latest news
Hellenic Red Cross increases support for thousands of families trapped in camps
Medical care and vital food, water and emergency supplies are being prioritised by Red Cross teams at one of the Greek capital’s main camps for migrants. -
One year after the Nepal earthquake - millions of survivors remain homeless
One year after a 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April, 2015, an estimated four million people are still living in sub-standard temporary shelters. -
The EU-Turkey migration deal: a lack of empathy and humanity
The opinion of 23 European Red Cross Societies on the EU and Turkey agreement on migration. -
Belgian Red Cross teams treat wounded in wake of Brussels attacks
Dozens of people injured in yesterday’s attacks in Brussels have been treated by Belgian Red Cross medics working across the capital. -
Press release
Red Cross EU Office Conference: Perilous journeys – Vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU
The Red Cross EU Office will hold the conference ‘’Perilous journeys – Vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU’’ on Friday 18 March. -
Red Cross EU Office Director speaks at the European Parliament on the integration of refugees
The Red Cross EU Office Director spoke at the European Parliament’s public hearing on "Refugees – social inclusion and integration into the labour market”. -
The Rain Couldn’t Extinguish the Torchlights at Solferino
Every June, Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers and staff gather in Solferino to re-trace the route taken by rescuers during the historic battle of 1859. -
Europe in Crisis: Facilitating Access to Protection, (Discarding) Offshore Processing and Mapping Alternatives for the Way Forward
The study analyses policies and practices of joint processing, while considering the practical difficulties raised by a joint EU external processing scheme. -
Press release
Migration to the EU: a perilous and difficult journey
We call on the EU and its Member States to focus on the factors that exacerbate the vulnerabilities of migrants and to develop measures to reduce these risks. -
Aidex 2015: British Red Cross shares experiences and lessons learned
At Aidex 2015 the British Red Cross participated in the panel discussion "Collaboration - You'll work harder than you ever imagined".