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Red Cross EU Office Conference on the EU Asylum Reception System
The Red Cross EU Office convened a public conference to address the key challenges and prospects for guaranteeing high reception standards for asylum seekers across the EU. -
Reception of asylum seekers: dignified standards must be maintained across the European Union
National Red Cross Societies in the EU stand ready to support EU Member States’ asylum systems to uphold the dignity and rights of migrants. -
ECHO Annual Partners Conference: Brussels launch of World Disasters Report 2015
The Red Cross EU Office participated in a panel discussion where we highlighted some of the main findings of the World Disasters Report 2015. -
Press release
Challenges in providing adequate reception for asylum seekers across the EU: Red Cross EU Office Conference
The Red Cross EU Office will hold the conference "Emerging challenges in the European Union asylum reception systems” at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU. -
French Red Cross responds to Paris terror attacks
French Red Cross has been on the frontline of rescue efforts to those caught by the series of tragic terror attacks in Paris on Friday, 13 November 2015. -
Press release
Typhoon Haiyan: two years on
Two years on, Red Cross Typhoon Haiyan support ‘restores hope and dignity’ to more than 880,000 people. -
Press release
Nepal Earthquake: six months on
Six months after the Nepal earthquake, long-term recovery needs of survivors must be addressed. -
Spanish Red Cross received EU Health Award
Spanish Red Cross receives an EU Health NGOs Award for its exceptional work in fighting Ebola. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
European Commission staff donation to the Red Cross
European Commission staff donate generously to support the Red Cross migration response.