Latest news
Tous Engagés
The French Red Cross hosted the festival “Tous Engagés", which showcased the role of social innovation in fostering solidarity and inclusion. -
Building partnerships for effective FEAD delivery
Representatives from across Europe met for the 11th meeting of the FEAD Network to discuss how to work together to improve social services. -
Red Cross leaders call for sustainable and responsible migration policies
On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office joins Red Cross leaders from across Europe in calling for humanity to be placed at the heard of CEAS reform negotiations. -
Fighting sexual and gender-based violence in conflict-affected zones
At the EDDs 2018, we learnt more about the Netherlands Red Cross' work to support Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) survivors in South Sudan and Burundi. -
Supporting Niger, key cross-road of migrations to the EU via Libya
In a hearing at the European Parliament, Red Cross EU Office director, Denis Haveaux stressed the importance of protecting people on their migratory routes through Niger. -
The Italian Red Cross has co-published a graphic novel that raises awareness of the migration phenomenon in the Mediterranean. -
Strengthening social rights
Social Services Europe presents its position paper and key recommendations on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. -
Civil protection in the face of changing risks
At the sixth European Civil Protection Forum, the Red Cross Red Crescent shared insight into its work with communities to mitigate growing risks. -
Exploring the role of volunteers in delivering FEAD
Members of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Network deliberated the challenges of recruiting and valuing volunteers in the provision of food aid. -
Challenges & opportunities for the social inclusion of migrants in the EU
Civil society and EU institutional representatives debated how EU migration and asylum programmes and policies can enhance the social inclusion prospects of migrants.