Search results for “Early Warning”
29 results found in 3 categories.
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People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf
22 news
The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: what have we learned?
We participated in an event to commemorate the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004, and reflect on the lessons learnt over the last two decades. -
European Humanitarian Forum: for more effective and sustainable solutions
The third European Humanitarian Forum is an opportunity to promote dialogue among key stakeholders on pressing humanitarian challenges. -
The climate and health crises must be urgently addressed together
Climate change is already driving humanitarian crises around the world and triggering unprecedented consequences on people’s physical and mental health. -
Three core priorities for the Spanish EU Presidency
The Spanish Red Cross is mobilised to promote the voices of volunteers and the people they assist in national and European discussions. -
Guaranteeing an effective needs-based and people-centred approach through the Global Europe mid-term review
The mid-term review of Global Europe should ensure increased support for the people who are most in need. -
Europe on fire – the importance of climate change adaptation
This summer, extreme temperatures have again escalated into dangerous climate-related hazards across Europe, underlining the importance of climate change adaptation. -
Experience in floods response feeding the disaster management system
We caught up with German Red Cross Head of Civil Protection & Resource Management Martin von Langenthal to hear about their disaster preparedness. -
Happening here and now: Europe in the face of extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like floods and fires are likely to occur more frequently due to climate change, making preparedness essential to mitigate risks and save lives. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
A new publication by the Red Cross EU Office showcases best practices and lessons learned by National Societies and IFRC to help people in need faster and more effectively. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2020: the global response to climate change is failing people in most need
New analysis by IFRC shows that the most affected countries receive only a fraction of the available funding for adaptation, and thus struggle to protect communities. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh. -
Legal preparedness needs more attention in Europe
Representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the UN and the Red Cross discussed the gaps and strengths in legal preparedness for disasters in Europe. -
World conference on health and climate change
A global conference organised by the French Red Cross highlights the need for concrete action to reduce and mitigate the public health challenges that climate change presents. -
Working together to assist particularly vulnerable migrants
The highly participatory Rights of Migrants in Action Global Consultative Meeting gave rise to key findings that can be used to enhance future migration-related activities. -
Hurricane Irma: Red Cross preparation and response
Following the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Cross has been closely involved in assisting people across the affected region. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2015
At the EDDs 2015, the Red Cross Red Crescent contributed to discussions on scaling up resilience, and on supporting migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
6 activities
Advancing Early Warning and Early Action: A Community-centred Approach by the Finnish Red Cross
In a rapidly changing world where climate shifts amplify natural hazards, the Finnish Red Cross stresses the critical role of early warning systems (EWS) leading to early action. -
Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance
Every monsoon season, Nepal is hit by floods. The Nepal Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross are tying anticipatory action into the Nepalese social protection system through forecast-based cash assistance which reaches 270 households vulnerable to disaster. -
Waste management in Myanmar
In the densely populated Hlaing Thar Yar Township, the Myanmar Red Cross works with the Finnish Red Cross and the Danish Red Cross to ensure a safe and clean environment for the local population. -
Providing physical rehabilitation and psychosocial support in war-torn Syria
Danish Red Cross-led project with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) aims to reconstruct health care facilities, deliver physical rehabilitation to people with long-term disabilities, and provide psychosocial support. -
Strengthening resilience by addressing climate change and managing ecosystems
Partners for Resilience reaps the benefits of treating risk as as a convergence of factors, including natural-resource management and socioeconomic vulnerabilities. -
Forecast Based Financing
A strategy that enables humanitarian action in advance of a potential disaster, by releasing funds according to scientific forecasts of extreme weather.