Search results for “Disaster Risk Reduction”
51 results found in 5 categories.
5 positions
Civil Protection Guidance for National Societies and IFRC relations with EU actors
A guidance document for National Red Cross Societies and the IFRC on their relationship with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
Our new publication showcases how National Red Cross Societies are investing in preparedness and working to reduce disaster and climate-related risks.Download pdf -
Key Priorities for the EU in the future
Red Cross EU Office recommendations to guide and inform EU decision-makers taking up their mandate in the European Parliament and the European Commission for the next five years.Download pdf -
Enhancing maternal and child nutrition in external assistance
Our contribution to the preparation of the European Commission Communication, "Enhancing Maternal and Child Nutrition in External Assistance".Download pdf
33 news
The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: what have we learned?
We participated in an event to commemorate the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004, and reflect on the lessons learnt over the last two decades. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
New Agenda for EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
The future EU-CELAC partnership should build on local capacities and put the needs and rights of vulnerable people at its core. -
Europe on fire – the importance of climate change adaptation
This summer, extreme temperatures have again escalated into dangerous climate-related hazards across Europe, underlining the importance of climate change adaptation. -
Responding to evolving challenges and learning from them
Romania's disaster management system has faced new challenges and opportunities in terms of cross-border collaboration in recent months. -
First European Humanitarian Forum: improving assistance and collaboration to address needs
The European Humanitarian Forum on 21-23 March 2022 focused on many of the most pressing global issues. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Experience in floods response feeding the disaster management system
We caught up with German Red Cross Head of Civil Protection & Resource Management Martin von Langenthal to hear about their disaster preparedness. -
Preparing communities to face future disasters and adapt to climate change
With significantly increasing risks of extreme weather events and other disasters, delivering on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is ever more urgent. -
An ambitious budget for EU external aid: will the EU walk the talk and leave no one behind?
With the new NDICI - Global Europe now adopted, efforts are needed to ensure local actors drive resilience strengthening efforts in all phases of its implementation. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
A new publication by the Red Cross EU Office showcases best practices and lessons learned by National Societies and IFRC to help people in need faster and more effectively. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2020: the global response to climate change is failing people in most need
New analysis by IFRC shows that the most affected countries receive only a fraction of the available funding for adaptation, and thus struggle to protect communities. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
Urgent climate action, a shared responsibility
Reducing carbon emissions is not enough. Increased funding, adaptation strategies and joint efforts are needed to tackle this crisis, as highlighted at the Climate:Red Summit -
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
Legal preparedness needs more attention in Europe
Representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the UN and the Red Cross discussed the gaps and strengths in legal preparedness for disasters in Europe. -
Strengthening response to multi-site emergencies
Five Red Cross partners come together to work on improving approaches to complex emergencies occurring simultaneously in multiple locations. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2018
Governments and aid groups can and must do more to stop millions being “left behind”, says new IFRC report. -
Arctic emergency response calls for cooperation and pre-planning
A new Finnish Red Cross report shows the need to enhance capacities and strengthen pre-planning for major accidents in the Arctic area. -
Civil protection in the face of changing risks
At the sixth European Civil Protection Forum, the Red Cross Red Crescent shared insight into its work with communities to mitigate growing risks. -
Examining human migration and wetlands at the European Development Days
The Red Cross participated in the presentation of the "Water Shocks" report about the Sahel, a key region of migration today. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2016 - Resilience: Saving lives today, investing for tomorrow
The report paints a picture of a world facing complex challenges that cannot be comprehensively addressed through post-disaster response or emergency interventions. -
Press release
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2016
The Red Cross Red Crescent will share its latest innovations in livelihoods programming, as well as field-insights from the Partners for Resilience programme. -
ECHO Annual Partners Conference: Brussels launch of World Disasters Report 2015
The Red Cross EU Office participated in a panel discussion where we highlighted some of the main findings of the World Disasters Report 2015. -
Press release
Nepal Earthquake: six months on
Six months after the Nepal earthquake, long-term recovery needs of survivors must be addressed. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
Press release
World Disaster Report 2015 Launch
The report examines the complexities and challenges local actors face in scaling-up and sustaining their humanitarian response. -
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2015
At the EDDs 2015, the Red Cross Red Crescent contributed to discussions on scaling up resilience, and on supporting migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
10 activities
Bridging the gaps
The EU Bridge programme aims to strengthen the capacities and capabilities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, as well as other relevant stakeholders in the country, to tackle the impact of humanitarian crises in Azerbaijan. -
Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity in Sierra Leone
To address community health issues and gender-based violence, the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society, the Finnish Red Cross and the Icelandic Red Cross implement the BRIDGE (Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity) project. -
Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance
Every monsoon season, Nepal is hit by floods. The Nepal Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross are tying anticipatory action into the Nepalese social protection system through forecast-based cash assistance which reaches 270 households vulnerable to disaster. -
Preparing schools and kindergartens for hazards
The 'Safer Schools and Kindergartens' Project by several Red Cross Societies aims to train children in first aid and prepare them for hazards. -
Tackling disaster risks and climate change in Honduras: from reforesting to entrepreneurship
Nearly 70,000 people from rural areas in Honduras have benefitted from a programme supported by the Italian Red Cross to build more resilient and sustainable communities. -
Waste management in Myanmar
In the densely populated Hlaing Thar Yar Township, the Myanmar Red Cross works with the Finnish Red Cross and the Danish Red Cross to ensure a safe and clean environment for the local population. -
Dhaka earthquake and emergency preparedness
In the disaster-prone city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the German Red Cross led a project to prepare local communities and authorities for quick and efficient emergency response. -
Adapting to a changing climate in East Sudan
A collaboration between the Sudanese Red Crescent and the German Red Cross aims to support farmers in Sudan to survive in the age of climate change. -
Strengthening resilience by addressing climate change and managing ecosystems
Partners for Resilience reaps the benefits of treating risk as as a convergence of factors, including natural-resource management and socioeconomic vulnerabilities. -
Reducing Risk on the Honduran Riverbanks
The Finnish Red Cross worked with the Honduran Red Cross, the German Red Cross and the Italian Red Cross to support twelve communities in the Department of Yoro in northern Honduras to prepare for natural disasters, such as floods and landslides.