Search results for “Spanish Red Cross”
72 results found in 4 categories.
8 positions
Responding to the cost-of-living crisis
Recommendations to the EU and Member States towards protecting European households from socio-economic hardship and to assist not-for-profit organisations in providing crucial support in meeting increasing critical needs of those at risk.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to ensure access to high-quality home and community-based care for older people.Download pdf -
Red Cross EU Strategy 2022-2027
The Red Cross EU strategy 2022-2027 describes the strategic direction, goals and priorities of the work of the Red Cross EU Office and its members.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Combatting Homelessness in Europe
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to prevent, respond to and lift people out of homelessness.Download pdf -
Recruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the Sector’s Job Creation Potential
Social Services Europe commissioned a study looking at existing interventions made at national level in the field of recruitment and retention in the social care sector, and identified barriers at several levels.Download pdf -
Protecting the dignity and rights of migrants in an irregular situation
Migrants in an irregular situation are among the most vulnerable people in Europe. Protecting their dignity and rights requires decisive action; here are our recommendations.Download pdf -
Reforming the Common European Asylum System in a spirit of humanity and solidarity
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States on the process of reforming the Common European Asylum System.Download pdf
49 news
The next EU Health Commissioner holds the key to a holistic and inclusive future for European health policy
This new European Commission term offers an opportunity for a shift towards a more inclusive, sustainable and comprehensive European Health Union. -
Promoting protection during the Belgian EU Presidency
Belgium’s EU Presidency saw the Belgian Red Cross promoting protection and rights, shaping EU agendas, and co-organising events to address humanitarian needs. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
Lessons from private hosting: from emergency to preparedness for future welcoming initiatives
We co-hosted a discussion with the European Commission inviting different stakeholders to share perspectives from their experience in supporting people seeking a new home. -
For a European Social Fund Plus that fosters inclusion
Based on Red Cross experience providing food aid and material support to people experiencing vulnerability, we contributed to the European Commission consultation on ESF+. -
Strengthening local actors
We had a conversation with Elias Solis and José Juan Castro to discuss lessons learned and good practices in the application of the localisation approach. -
Tackling child poverty together
The European Child Guarantee aims to tackle child poverty, foster equal opportunities and prevent social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children to key services. -
Rising costs and falling temperatures will put many people in Europe at risk this winter
This winter, many people will be forced into making difficult decisions about their energy spending. -
Three core priorities for the Spanish EU Presidency
The Spanish Red Cross is mobilised to promote the voices of volunteers and the people they assist in national and European discussions. -
Raising awareness about the importance of health
We talked with Sandrine da Cunha Couto, Health Awareness Officer, to learn about the Spanish Red Cross’ work when it comes to health, particularly with regards to prevention. -
Food aid and cost-of-living crisis in Europe
RCEU and Eurodiaconia organised a roundtable at the European Parliament to discuss food aid and the consequences of the increase of cost-of-living crisis in Europe. -
How Red Cross societies across Europe are working to end homelessness
Our colleague Luís Vilachá Fernández shares the work of Red Cross Societies across Europe who are responding and working to prevent and end homelessness. -
Europe on fire – the importance of climate change adaptation
This summer, extreme temperatures have again escalated into dangerous climate-related hazards across Europe, underlining the importance of climate change adaptation. -
Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
We are launching a new publication showcasing good practices, challenges and lessons learned by Red Cross Societies in Europe on healthy ageing & long-term care services. -
First European Humanitarian Forum: improving assistance and collaboration to address needs
The European Humanitarian Forum on 21-23 March 2022 focused on many of the most pressing global issues. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Red Social Innovation
A digital platform to share and learn about transformative social and technological innovations to help people cope with the socio-economic challenges of tomorrow. -
Preparing communities to face future disasters and adapt to climate change
With significantly increasing risks of extreme weather events and other disasters, delivering on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is ever more urgent. -
Happening here and now: Europe in the face of extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like floods and fires are likely to occur more frequently due to climate change, making preparedness essential to mitigate risks and save lives. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
An integrated and holistic approach towards social inclusion – the FEAD Thematic Seminar
Several Red Cross societies contributed to the FEAD Thematic Seminar on 29-30 April to enhance impact through integrated approaches supporting social inclusion. -
Family reunification: adjusting EU procedures is crucial
Increased efforts are needed so that legal frameworks translate into smoother and more humane processes on the ground. Read the summary of our webinar on this issue. -
Massive surge in volunteer numbers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Hundreds of thousands have joined their National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society this year, providing vital support to their local communities in these critical times. -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
A new publication by the Red Cross EU Office showcases best practices and lessons learned by National Societies and IFRC to help people in need faster and more effectively. -
It's time to end violence against women and girls
One in three women in the European Union has experienced physical or sexual violence. The COVID-19 pandemic is making it even worse. Stronger action is needed -
Press release
Red Cross expands COVID-19 testing in 7 European countries with €35.5 million EU support
The partnership will allow National Societies to step up their assistance to embattled national health systems in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. -
Delivering FEAD beyond 2020: achievements, challenges and lessons learned to support the most deprived
One in five people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion before the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands more struggle now, and many need help for the first time. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
Youth engagement, key for more inclusive and resilient communities
Young volunteers play a key role on social inclusion, humanitarian aid and environmental matters. Read inspiring stories from National Red Cross Societies across Europe -
Supporting the Most Vulnerable
Across Europe, Red Cross staff and volunteers are working to help local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on those most at risk. -
Flattening the Curve
With Europe currently at the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, Red Cross volunteers and staff have been on the frontline of the response. -
EU aid: Lessons learned from 5 years of FEAD
The 17th meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) network took place in Brussels, bringing together experts from across Europe. -
Strengthening response to multi-site emergencies
Five Red Cross partners come together to work on improving approaches to complex emergencies occurring simultaneously in multiple locations. -
Red Cross leaders call for sustainable and responsible migration policies
On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office joins Red Cross leaders from across Europe in calling for humanity to be placed at the heard of CEAS reform negotiations. -
Helping young people into their first job
Thousands of unemployed young people in Spain receive Red Cross guidance and support to succeed in starting their first job. -
Seventh FEAD Network Meeting: preventing food waste through FEAD actions
Actors in food waste prevention and food aid came together to discuss how it can be developed to best serve vulnerable people. -
Press release
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
Highlighting the range of work carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations
Red Cross civil protection experts work on developing strategies to deal with the new kinds of risks faced in European cities. -
First FEAD Network Meeting: Motivating, coordinating and training volunteers
Red Cross practitioners share insights on motivating, coordinating and training volunteers to deliver food aid and social assistance. -
Supporting Resilience through Red Cross Red Crescent Initiatives
The Red Cross Red Crescent participated at the European Development Days 2016 through the Livelihoods Resource Centre and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. -
Hellenic Red Cross increases support for thousands of families trapped in camps
Medical care and vital food, water and emergency supplies are being prioritised by Red Cross teams at one of the Greek capital’s main camps for migrants. -
The EU-Turkey migration deal: a lack of empathy and humanity
The opinion of 23 European Red Cross Societies on the EU and Turkey agreement on migration. -
Red Cross EU Office Director speaks at the European Parliament on the integration of refugees
The Red Cross EU Office Director spoke at the European Parliament’s public hearing on "Refugees – social inclusion and integration into the labour market”. -
Spanish Red Cross received EU Health Award
Spanish Red Cross receives an EU Health NGOs Award for its exceptional work in fighting Ebola. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
21 Red Cross National Societies in the European Union call for more legal avenues to access protection
Our call to the European Union institutions to provide more legal avenues for those who need access to protection. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
14 activities
Supporting migrants throughout their journeys
Humanitarian Service Points are neutral spaces where migrants can access a wide range of humanitarian support and services, regardless of their migration status and wherever they are on their journeys. -
Strengthening capacities that provide life opportunities
The Colombian Red Cross, in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, supports both migrants and vulnerable host communities, especially women and children, to address the humanitarian and protection needs of families. -
Fighting against energy poverty and climate change
The Spanish Red Cross supports vulnerable households at risk of falling into energy poverty helping them understand their electricity bill and providing personalized advice on energy efficiency. -
COVID-19: Scaling up testing and strengthening national health systems with EU support
Since the beginning of COVID-19, seven National Red Cross Societies in the EU have been supporting their countries' health authorities in the fight against the pandemic through mobile testing. -
Bringing families together
People who flee persecution or violence often experience family separation. National Red Cross Societies in Europe help them with reunification procedures, usually the only way to ensure their right to family life is respected. -
Making Assistive Technology Work for All
The Orientatech project in Spain invites the users of assistive technologies to join the development and testing of devices and applications. -
Assisting Venezuelans on the move
The Red Cross is implementing a humanitarian assistance project to help people affected by the Venezuelan crisis. -
A sense of community in Greece
The Hellenic Red Cross opens multifunctional centres in Greece that help migrants integrate into Greek society. -
Strengthening local actors in water and sanitation across Latin America
With the Water and Sanitation Disaster Response and Preparedness Programme, National Red Cross Societies aim to strengthen coordination across the Latin American region. -
Model Villages in Rwanda
Communities in Rwanda are making their own solutions to become more resilient, in a project coordinated by the Rwanda Red Cross with the support of various European National Red Cross Societies. -
Managing natural resources in Burundi
A project implemented by the Spanish Red Cross and Burundi Red Cross has supported sustainable development in the Makamba province through local farmers' cooperatives. -
Empowering communities after Typhoon Haiyan
After Typhoon Haiyan tore across central Philippines in November 2013, the Spanish Red Cross started a project to support the most vulnerable families, and make them more resilient to natural disasters in the future. -
Fuelling hope in northern Colombia
The Norwegian Red Cross and the Spanish Red Cross are supporting the Colombian Red Cross to deliver life-saving support in the conflict-torn areas of Colombia. -
Employment plan to access the labour market
The Spanish Red Cross' Employment Plan (Plan de Empleo) is an initiative which supports people facing the greatest difficulty in accessing the labour market to increase their employability by providing a wide range of individually adapted services.