Search results for “Disaster Management”
86 results found in 5 categories.
6 positions
Civil Protection Guidance for National Societies and IFRC relations with EU actors
A guidance document for National Red Cross Societies and the IFRC on their relationship with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.Download pdf -
Red Cross EU Office Annual Report 2022
The Annual Report 2022 showcases our different activities to heighten Red Cross influence on EU policy, to increase EU resources for our domestic and international work, and to serve our members on EU-related issues.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
Our new publication showcases how National Red Cross Societies are investing in preparedness and working to reduce disaster and climate-related risks.Download pdf -
Effective law and policy on gender equality and protection from SGBV in disasters
New research from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) aims to fill the knowledge gap on the effectiveness of national laws and policies in supporting gender equality and addressing sexual and gender-based violence in disasters.Download pdf -
Red Cross Red Crescent relations with EU civil protection actors for international activities
This position paper aims to clarify how National Red Cross Societies can engage with EU Member States in civil protection initiatives outside the EU.Download pdf
56 news
The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: what have we learned?
We participated in an event to commemorate the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami of 2004, and reflect on the lessons learnt over the last two decades. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
Supporting the mental health of people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
On 9 April, the IFRC and the European Commission co-organised an event about the provision of mental health and psychosocial support to people displaced from Ukraine. -
Strengthening local actors
We had a conversation with Elias Solis and José Juan Castro to discuss lessons learned and good practices in the application of the localisation approach. -
The climate and health crises must be urgently addressed together
Climate change is already driving humanitarian crises around the world and triggering unprecedented consequences on people’s physical and mental health. -
New Agenda for EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
The future EU-CELAC partnership should build on local capacities and put the needs and rights of vulnerable people at its core. -
Press release
The world is not ready for the next pandemic, warns the IFRC
The IFRC's World Disasters Report focuses on how preparedness ahead of COVID-19 was inadequate, and how the world can prepare more effectively for future public health crises. -
Supporting people in Ukraine and beyond - the Czech Red Cross response
We caught up with four colleagues from the Czech Red Cross to hear about their work to support people within Ukraine and on the move. -
Voices of young people at European level – the European Youth Network
We caught up with Eva Croon who recently represented the Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Network during a meeting with European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič. -
Responding to evolving challenges and learning from them
Romania's disaster management system has faced new challenges and opportunities in terms of cross-border collaboration in recent months. -
A collaborative response to address the needs of people displaced by the Ukrainian conflict
The European Civil Protection Forum will be an important opportunity to exchange and to take stock of the first lessons learnt from the Ukrainian crisis. -
First European Humanitarian Forum: improving assistance and collaboration to address needs
The European Humanitarian Forum on 21-23 March 2022 focused on many of the most pressing global issues. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Experience in floods response feeding the disaster management system
We caught up with German Red Cross Head of Civil Protection & Resource Management Martin von Langenthal to hear about their disaster preparedness. -
Preparing communities to face future disasters and adapt to climate change
With significantly increasing risks of extreme weather events and other disasters, delivering on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is ever more urgent. -
Happening here and now: Europe in the face of extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like floods and fires are likely to occur more frequently due to climate change, making preparedness essential to mitigate risks and save lives. -
An ambitious budget for EU external aid: will the EU walk the talk and leave no one behind?
With the new NDICI - Global Europe now adopted, efforts are needed to ensure local actors drive resilience strengthening efforts in all phases of its implementation. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
New Communication on the EU's humanitarian action – a mixed bag
The European Commission's recent Communication on EU humanitarian action addresses key concerns facing humanitarian action, but still leaves room for improvement. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
'RED ALERT': Managing disaster risks in Europe
A new publication by the Red Cross EU Office showcases best practices and lessons learned by National Societies and IFRC to help people in need faster and more effectively. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2020: the global response to climate change is failing people in most need
New analysis by IFRC shows that the most affected countries receive only a fraction of the available funding for adaptation, and thus struggle to protect communities. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
COVID-19 conversations: The socio-economic crisis is worrying
Andreea Furtuna, from the Romanian Red Cross, and Therese Leijon, from the Swedish Red Cross, address best practices to tackle the growing socio-economic gaps and inequality. -
Urgent climate action, a shared responsibility
Reducing carbon emissions is not enough. Increased funding, adaptation strategies and joint efforts are needed to tackle this crisis, as highlighted at the Climate:Red Summit -
World Humanitarian Day: real life heroes amid growing conflicts, natural disasters and epidemics
The aid community, including donor governments and other actors, must ensure safe access to people in need and funding for short and long-term – beyond the COVID-19 emergency. -
"Imagine you sleep rough, and COVID-19 brings the country into lockdown"
Our colleague Elise Poumay has been volunteering with homeless and other vulnerable people in Namur during the pandemic. Read her testimonial. -
Flattening the Curve
With Europe currently at the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, Red Cross volunteers and staff have been on the frontline of the response. -
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
Shifting to a greener response
How the Red Cross Red Crescent is working to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of its humanitarian action. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh. -
Legal preparedness needs more attention in Europe
Representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the UN and the Red Cross discussed the gaps and strengths in legal preparedness for disasters in Europe. -
Increasing preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region
Since the tragic Estonia ferry disaster 25 years ago, neighbouring Red Cross Societies have been strengthening their joint response capacities. -
Livelihoods at risk: adapting to climate change in Sudan
The German Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross are working with the Sudanese Red Crescent to improve community resilience to climate change in Sudan. -
Mental health and psychosocial support
On 14 March, a Danish Red Cross event brought attention to mental health and psychosocial support for people affected by the conflict in Syria. -
Exploring the future of EU humanitarian aid
Adapting to the changing nature of humanitarian crises requires closer cooperation and new approaches towards aid. -
Strengthening response to multi-site emergencies
Five Red Cross partners come together to work on improving approaches to complex emergencies occurring simultaneously in multiple locations. -
The Global Compact for Migration
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) set to be adopted on 10-11 December, provides an chance to reassert the human rights of migrants worldwide. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2018
Governments and aid groups can and must do more to stop millions being “left behind”, says new IFRC report. -
Arctic emergency response calls for cooperation and pre-planning
A new Finnish Red Cross report shows the need to enhance capacities and strengthen pre-planning for major accidents in the Arctic area. -
Addressing gender inequality and sexual and gender-based violence in disasters through law and policy
Mechanisms are needed to connect the legal and policy frameworks related to disaster risk management, gender equality, and SGBV. -
Madagascar plague: a no-regrets response
Drawing on the lessons learnt from the Ebola operation in 2014, the Red Cross Red Crescent has mounted its response to the plague outbreak in Madagascar. -
Ten years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid
The Consensus references most of the key humanitarian issues of today, from the humanitarian-development nexus to the localisation of aid. -
Examining human migration and wetlands at the European Development Days
The Red Cross participated in the presentation of the "Water Shocks" report about the Sahel, a key region of migration today. -
Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations
Red Cross civil protection experts work on developing strategies to deal with the new kinds of risks faced in European cities. -
Supporting Resilience through Red Cross Red Crescent Initiatives
The Red Cross Red Crescent participated at the European Development Days 2016 through the Livelihoods Resource Centre and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. -
Press release
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2016
The Red Cross Red Crescent will share its latest innovations in livelihoods programming, as well as field-insights from the Partners for Resilience programme. -
Press release
IFRC Secretary General and Austrian Red Cross Secretary General call on EU to expand efforts to reach most vulnerable and isolated
Our call to the European Union to increase its support to people affected by "forgotten” humanitarian crises. -
Let’s start to close the gap between humanitarian needs and responses
The World Humanitarian Summit is a historic opportunity to begin to bridge the widening gap between humanitarian needs and capacities to respond. -
ECHO Annual Partners Conference: Brussels launch of World Disasters Report 2015
The Red Cross EU Office participated in a panel discussion where we highlighted some of the main findings of the World Disasters Report 2015. -
Press release
Nepal Earthquake: six months on
Six months after the Nepal earthquake, long-term recovery needs of survivors must be addressed. -
Press release
World Disaster Report 2015 Launch
The report examines the complexities and challenges local actors face in scaling-up and sustaining their humanitarian response. -
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2015
At the EDDs 2015, the Red Cross Red Crescent contributed to discussions on scaling up resilience, and on supporting migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
20 activities
RED ROSES: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience
With natural disasters of escalating intensity and frequency due to climate change, the need for a coordinated, cross-border response has become imperative. -
Advancing Early Warning and Early Action: A Community-centred Approach by the Finnish Red Cross
In a rapidly changing world where climate shifts amplify natural hazards, the Finnish Red Cross stresses the critical role of early warning systems (EWS) leading to early action. -
Bridging the gaps
The EU Bridge programme aims to strengthen the capacities and capabilities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, as well as other relevant stakeholders in the country, to tackle the impact of humanitarian crises in Azerbaijan. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Baltic
EvRE brought together four National Red Cross Societies to prepare for cross-border embergency scenarios. -
Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity in Sierra Leone
To address community health issues and gender-based violence, the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society, the Finnish Red Cross and the Icelandic Red Cross implement the BRIDGE (Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity) project. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Alps
IRONORE 2019, a full-scale civil protection exercise in Austria, brought together several Red Cross Societies and rescue organisations to prepare for various cross-border emergency scenarios. -
Tackling disaster risks and climate change in Honduras: from reforesting to entrepreneurship
Nearly 70,000 people from rural areas in Honduras have benefitted from a programme supported by the Italian Red Cross to build more resilient and sustainable communities. -
Developing new 'green pearls' in Haiti: safe, thriving and empowered communities
The Netherlands Red Cross is helping to create environments where people can live in a healthy balance between human needs, natural resources and economic growth. -
Promoting the role of citizens in civil protection
A project led by the Austrian Red Cross aims to strengthen cooperation between Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine in the field of disaster preparedness and response. -
Enhancing Aid Capacities
National Red Cross Societies in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, and the Netherlands work to improve their emergency response and the support they offer in the field. -
Waste management in Myanmar
In the densely populated Hlaing Thar Yar Township, the Myanmar Red Cross works with the Finnish Red Cross and the Danish Red Cross to ensure a safe and clean environment for the local population. -
Itt a helyed! Supporting young people in transition from school to work
A new voluntary service scheme by Hungarian Red Cross offers young people a chance to gain skills and experiences to help with the transition from school to work. -
Dhaka earthquake and emergency preparedness
In the disaster-prone city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the German Red Cross led a project to prepare local communities and authorities for quick and efficient emergency response. -
Adapting to a changing climate in East Sudan
A collaboration between the Sudanese Red Crescent and the German Red Cross aims to support farmers in Sudan to survive in the age of climate change. -
Psychosocial support in complex emergencies across Europe
A multinational project that aims to improve the disaster response capacities of European emergency and volunteer organisations. -
Fresh focus on the Arctic
As climate change brings new activity and humanitarian risks to the Arctic, a Finnish Red Cross initiative is helping strengthen disaster preparedness and response in the region. -
Model Villages in Rwanda
Communities in Rwanda are making their own solutions to become more resilient, in a project coordinated by the Rwanda Red Cross with the support of various European National Red Cross Societies. -
Strengthening resilience by addressing climate change and managing ecosystems
Partners for Resilience reaps the benefits of treating risk as as a convergence of factors, including natural-resource management and socioeconomic vulnerabilities. -
Aware and Resilient
Between April 2013 and May 2015, Aware and Resilient worked to create community links between different disaster management actors at the local level and raise awareness among European citizens of the benefits of disaster preparedness. -
Disaster preparedness for older people
"PrepAGE" worked across five EU countries to identify the specific needs of older people in emergencies, and to develop strategies to increase the disaster preparedness of this group.