Search results for “German Red Cross”
74 results found in 4 categories.
8 positions
Safe avenues to access protection in Europe
Red Cross and Red Crescent good practices and recommendations to increase access to safe avenues to protection in Europe.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to ensure access to high-quality home and community-based care for older people.Download pdf -
Red Cross EU Strategy 2022-2027
The Red Cross EU strategy 2022-2027 describes the strategic direction, goals and priorities of the work of the Red Cross EU Office and its members.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Combatting Homelessness in Europe
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to prevent, respond to and lift people out of homelessness.Download pdf -
Recruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the Sector’s Job Creation Potential
Social Services Europe commissioned a study looking at existing interventions made at national level in the field of recruitment and retention in the social care sector, and identified barriers at several levels.Download pdf -
Protecting the dignity and rights of migrants in an irregular situation
Migrants in an irregular situation are among the most vulnerable people in Europe. Protecting their dignity and rights requires decisive action; here are our recommendations.Download pdf -
Reforming the Common European Asylum System in a spirit of humanity and solidarity
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States on the process of reforming the Common European Asylum System.Download pdf
45 news
Housing as a cornerstone of social inclusion
Having a home is a foundation for our wellbeing. To end homelessness, EU approaches must treat housing as a social good and not as a commodity. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
Making Family Reunification a Reality
Together with the ICRC, we call on leaders to renew efforts to improve the implementation of the EU Family Reunification Directive. -
Austrian Red Cross calls to uphold the humanity of migrants and refugees
Austrian Red Cross President Gerald Schöpfer calls for humane treatment, accommodation, and integration of migrants and refugees in Austria. -
Voices of young people at European level – the European Youth Network
We caught up with Eva Croon who recently represented the Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Network during a meeting with European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič. -
Europe on fire – the importance of climate change adaptation
This summer, extreme temperatures have again escalated into dangerous climate-related hazards across Europe, underlining the importance of climate change adaptation. -
Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
We are launching a new publication showcasing good practices, challenges and lessons learned by Red Cross Societies in Europe on healthy ageing & long-term care services. -
Safe pathways to access protection in Europe
National Red Cross Societies implement different activities in resettlement, community sponsorship, and humanitarian visas as well as family reunification. -
Conflict in Ukraine and displacement to Europe: the Red Cross response
The Red Cross has scaled up its operations in Ukraine and in the countries receiving people who have fled the conflict. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Promoting people-centred approaches to provide high-quality long-term care services
European Red Cross societies' experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people of all ages submitted to inform the upcoming European Care Strategy. -
Experience in floods response feeding the disaster management system
We caught up with German Red Cross Head of Civil Protection & Resource Management Martin von Langenthal to hear about their disaster preparedness. -
Happening here and now: Europe in the face of extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like floods and fires are likely to occur more frequently due to climate change, making preparedness essential to mitigate risks and save lives. -
No one is safe until everyone is safe
Ending the pandemic means also enabling access to COVID-19 vaccines for migrants, which is why health services must be made accessible to everyone. -
Non-Profit Actors for a Thriving Social Economy
The European Social Economy Summit, hosted by the European Commission and the City of Mannheim, discussed the upcoming EU Action Plan on Social Economy. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
New Communication on the EU's humanitarian action – a mixed bag
The European Commission's recent Communication on EU humanitarian action addresses key concerns facing humanitarian action, but still leaves room for improvement. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
Press release
Red Cross expands COVID-19 testing in 7 European countries with €35.5 million EU support
The partnership will allow National Societies to step up their assistance to embattled national health systems in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Delivering FEAD beyond 2020: achievements, challenges and lessons learned to support the most deprived
One in five people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion before the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands more struggle now, and many need help for the first time. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
Urgent climate action, a shared responsibility
Reducing carbon emissions is not enough. Increased funding, adaptation strategies and joint efforts are needed to tackle this crisis, as highlighted at the Climate:Red Summit -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
Flattening the Curve
With Europe currently at the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, Red Cross volunteers and staff have been on the frontline of the response. -
Integration in local communities: working with, and not for migrants
On 4 December, stakeholders gathered in Brussels to discuss how to better promote diversity and the integration of migrants across Europe through meaningful participation. -
The future of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
We join 18 CSOs in calling on EU co-legislators to work towards developing a more humane, transparent and effective Asylum and Migration Fund. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh. -
Increasing preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region
Since the tragic Estonia ferry disaster 25 years ago, neighbouring Red Cross Societies have been strengthening their joint response capacities. -
Livelihoods at risk: adapting to climate change in Sudan
The German Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross are working with the Sudanese Red Crescent to improve community resilience to climate change in Sudan. -
World conference on health and climate change
A global conference organised by the French Red Cross highlights the need for concrete action to reduce and mitigate the public health challenges that climate change presents. -
Syria: an ongoing and acute humanitarian emergency
Red Cross Red Crescent representatives appeal for adequate financial resources to meet increasing and changing needs in Syria and neighbouring countries. -
Exploring the role of volunteers in delivering FEAD
Members of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Network deliberated the challenges of recruiting and valuing volunteers in the provision of food aid. -
Challenges & opportunities for the social inclusion of migrants in the EU
Civil society and EU institutional representatives debated how EU migration and asylum programmes and policies can enhance the social inclusion prospects of migrants. -
Ensuring staffing for quality social care
A new report commissioned by Social Services Europe highlights possibilities for strengthening recruitment and retention in social services, in the context of EU policies. -
Madagascar plague: a no-regrets response
Drawing on the lessons learnt from the Ebola operation in 2014, the Red Cross Red Crescent has mounted its response to the plague outbreak in Madagascar. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
NGOs call upon EU institutions and member states to expand the use of safe and legal channels for refugees
We urge the Council and the European Parliament to continue to support and promote the use of humanitarian visas. -
Reception of asylum seekers: a crucial step towards a new life
With around 1.2 million asylum claims registered in 2015, reception systems across the EU are currently under unprecedented strain. -
Reform of the EU Asylum System: An Opportunity to Regain Leadership in Refugee Protection
We call on the EU to reaffirm its commitment to refugee protection by implementing a response to the current situation that respects refugee rights. -
Red Cross EU Office Director speaks at the European Parliament on the integration of refugees
The Red Cross EU Office Director spoke at the European Parliament’s public hearing on "Refugees – social inclusion and integration into the labour market”. -
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2015
At the EDDs 2015, the Red Cross Red Crescent contributed to discussions on scaling up resilience, and on supporting migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
21 Red Cross National Societies in the European Union call for more legal avenues to access protection
Our call to the European Union institutions to provide more legal avenues for those who need access to protection. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
20 activities
Unseen?! Refugees with disabilities in Germany
To address the obstacles that refugees with disabilities face during their asylum procedure, The German Red Cross published a report assessing the needs of refugees with disabilities in Germany. -
Holistic Support to migrants and asylum seekers integration in the labour market
The BIN project aims to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Bremen and Bremerhaven through vocational training and support in accessing employment, including by promoting the employment of migrants and refugees among potential employers. -
Arriving and receiving communities, key elements of a two-way integration approach
FOCUS engaged with different actors to explore the socioeconomic and sociopsychological dimensions of integration in the span of the last decade identifying four core principles that maximise the potential for sustainable two-way integration processes. -
Finding financial independence, following passions
Funded by DG ECHO, the ESSN by IFRC and the Turkish Red Crescent is the biggest humanitarian programme in EU history. Refugee families in Turkey receive monthly cash assistance enabling them to decide how to cover essential needs. -
COVID-19: Scaling up testing and strengthening national health systems with EU support
Since the beginning of COVID-19, seven National Red Cross Societies in the EU have been supporting their countries' health authorities in the fight against the pandemic through mobile testing. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Alps
IRONORE 2019, a full-scale civil protection exercise in Austria, brought together several Red Cross Societies and rescue organisations to prepare for various cross-border emergency scenarios. -
Bringing families together
People who flee persecution or violence often experience family separation. National Red Cross Societies in Europe help them with reunification procedures, usually the only way to ensure their right to family life is respected. -
Digital Red Cross
The German Red Cross works to promote innovation and improve the digital literacy of its staff and volunteers within care facilities. -
Assisting Venezuelans on the move
The Red Cross is implementing a humanitarian assistance project to help people affected by the Venezuelan crisis. -
Dhaka earthquake and emergency preparedness
In the disaster-prone city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the German Red Cross led a project to prepare local communities and authorities for quick and efficient emergency response. -
Supporting informed asylum decisions worldwide
The Austrian Red Cross works to provide accurate and up-to-date information on asylum seekers’ countries of origin to improve application processing across Europe. -
Providing physical rehabilitation and psychosocial support in war-torn Syria
Danish Red Cross-led project with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) aims to reconstruct health care facilities, deliver physical rehabilitation to people with long-term disabilities, and provide psychosocial support. -
Adapting to a changing climate in East Sudan
A collaboration between the Sudanese Red Crescent and the German Red Cross aims to support farmers in Sudan to survive in the age of climate change. -
Fresh focus on the Arctic
As climate change brings new activity and humanitarian risks to the Arctic, a Finnish Red Cross initiative is helping strengthen disaster preparedness and response in the region. -
Forecast Based Financing
A strategy that enables humanitarian action in advance of a potential disaster, by releasing funds according to scientific forecasts of extreme weather. -
Humanitarian visas in practice
In September 2013, the Swiss Red Cross launched a programme to provide active support to Syrian nationals requesting for their relatives to be allowed to enter Switzerland legally using humanitarian visas. -
Community building and inclusion in Germany
The German Red Cross promotes social inclusion for migrants by arranging swimming lessons, a second-hand bike service, language classes, and support with asylum claims, as part of their long-term strategy to support migrant integration in Germany. -
Reducing Risk on the Honduran Riverbanks
The Finnish Red Cross worked with the Honduran Red Cross, the German Red Cross and the Italian Red Cross to support twelve communities in the Department of Yoro in northern Honduras to prepare for natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. -
Aware and Resilient
Between April 2013 and May 2015, Aware and Resilient worked to create community links between different disaster management actors at the local level and raise awareness among European citizens of the benefits of disaster preparedness. -
Building resilience in Austria
The "Social Buddy" project aims to build resilience by offering support and guidance to people experiencing difficulties such as sudden unemployment and family problems, including the loss of a family member.