Search results for “French Red Cross”
86 results found in 5 categories.
12 positions
Responding to the cost-of-living crisis
Recommendations to the EU and Member States towards protecting European households from socio-economic hardship and to assist not-for-profit organisations in providing crucial support in meeting increasing critical needs of those at risk.Download pdf -
Safe avenues to access protection in Europe
Red Cross and Red Crescent good practices and recommendations to increase access to safe avenues to protection in Europe.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to ensure access to high-quality home and community-based care for older people.Download pdf -
Red Cross EU Strategy 2022-2027
The Red Cross EU strategy 2022-2027 describes the strategic direction, goals and priorities of the work of the Red Cross EU Office and its members.Download pdf -
Red Cross Approach: Combatting Homelessness in Europe
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to prevent, respond to and lift people out of homelessness.Download pdf -
Key Priorities for the EU in the future
Red Cross EU Office recommendations to guide and inform EU decision-makers taking up their mandate in the European Parliament and the European Commission for the next five years.Download pdf -
Recruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the Sector’s Job Creation Potential
Social Services Europe commissioned a study looking at existing interventions made at national level in the field of recruitment and retention in the social care sector, and identified barriers at several levels.Download pdf -
Protecting the dignity and rights of migrants in an irregular situation
Migrants in an irregular situation are among the most vulnerable people in Europe. Protecting their dignity and rights requires decisive action; here are our recommendations.Download pdf -
Reforming the Common European Asylum System in a spirit of humanity and solidarity
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States on the process of reforming the Common European Asylum System.Download pdf -
Perilous journeys - vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU
This booklet looks at the risks and vulnerabilities experienced by migrants throughout their migratory journeys to the European Union.Download pdf -
Perilous journeys: addressing the vulnerabilities linked to migratory routes to the European Union
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States to help reduce risks and vulnerabilities along migratory routes to Europe.Download pdf
53 news
Housing as a cornerstone of social inclusion
Having a home is a foundation for our wellbeing. To end homelessness, EU approaches must treat housing as a social good and not as a commodity. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
Rising costs and falling temperatures will put many people in Europe at risk this winter
This winter, many people will be forced into making difficult decisions about their energy spending. -
Reinforcing healthcare systems at national and European levels
In the framework of the European Public Health Week, we hosted the event “Accessing healthcare in the EU – Bridging gaps and tackling vulnerabilities”. -
Swedish Red Cross working to influence the Swedish Council Presidency
With the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU soon coming to an end, we look back at the priorities that the Swedish Red Cross has been working to promote at EU level. -
Food aid and cost-of-living crisis in Europe
RCEU and Eurodiaconia organised a roundtable at the European Parliament to discuss food aid and the consequences of the increase of cost-of-living crisis in Europe. -
Volunteering in an Outermost Region
We caught up with Joana (Portuguese Red Cross) and Andy Cinna (French Red Cross) to hear about their experiences being young volunteers in an EU Outermost Region. -
How Red Cross societies across Europe are working to end homelessness
Our colleague Luís Vilachá Fernández shares the work of Red Cross Societies across Europe who are responding and working to prevent and end homelessness. -
Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
We are launching a new publication showcasing good practices, challenges and lessons learned by Red Cross Societies in Europe on healthy ageing & long-term care services. -
Safe pathways to access protection in Europe
National Red Cross Societies implement different activities in resettlement, community sponsorship, and humanitarian visas as well as family reunification. -
Voices of young people at EU level
Over the last six months, the French Red Cross supported a group of Young Ambassadors to participate to contribute to discussions in context of the French EU Presidency. -
Press release
Red Cross extends support to families separated by violence and conflict
Ahead of the International Day of Families on 15 May, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is expanding its family reunification services with a new initiative. -
First European Humanitarian Forum: improving assistance and collaboration to address needs
The European Humanitarian Forum on 21-23 March 2022 focused on many of the most pressing global issues. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Promoting people-centred approaches to provide high-quality long-term care services
European Red Cross societies' experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people of all ages submitted to inform the upcoming European Care Strategy. -
French Red Cross priorities for the French Council Presidency
French Red Cross recommendations across four priority issues: youth engagement, social economy, homelessness and crisis response. -
Converging Approaches to Combatting Homelessness in Europe
The Red Cross EU Office and French Red Cross hosted an event to identify strategies for prevention, response and actions to exit homelessness. -
Haiti earthquake: an example of an internationally coordinated response effort
Three months after an earthquake struck Haiti, the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement continues to supporting recovery and reconstruction. -
Red Social Innovation
A digital platform to share and learn about transformative social and technological innovations to help people cope with the socio-economic challenges of tomorrow. -
Preparing communities to face future disasters and adapt to climate change
With significantly increasing risks of extreme weather events and other disasters, delivering on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is ever more urgent. -
No one is safe until everyone is safe
Ending the pandemic means also enabling access to COVID-19 vaccines for migrants, which is why health services must be made accessible to everyone. -
Non-Profit Actors for a Thriving Social Economy
The European Social Economy Summit, hosted by the European Commission and the City of Mannheim, discussed the upcoming EU Action Plan on Social Economy. -
Volunteering and intergenerational connections to promote active ageing
Red Cross Societies recommendations on Europe's ageing society based on experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the life cycle. -
Covid-19 Conversations: Restoring Family Links
Florence Boreil from the French Red Cross and Kalinka Yankova from the Bulgarian Red Cross discuss Restoring Family Links in times of a global pandemic. -
COVID-19 conversations: Stay safe while helping others
Mayi Mukuna, from the Belgian Red Cross, and Agnese Trofimova, from the Latvian Red Cross, look at different strategies to continue supporting people in need amid lockdowns. -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
Youth engagement, key for more inclusive and resilient communities
Young volunteers play a key role on social inclusion, humanitarian aid and environmental matters. Read inspiring stories from National Red Cross Societies across Europe -
Supporting the Most Vulnerable
Across Europe, Red Cross staff and volunteers are working to help local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on those most at risk. -
21, accelerating social impact at the French Red Cross
Through its social innovation accelerator, the French Red Cross is implementing a transformation strategy that aims to increase its impact for society. -
World conference on health and climate change
A global conference organised by the French Red Cross highlights the need for concrete action to reduce and mitigate the public health challenges that climate change presents. -
Strengthening response to multi-site emergencies
Five Red Cross partners come together to work on improving approaches to complex emergencies occurring simultaneously in multiple locations. -
Auderghem Social Grocery
Mayi Mukuna of the Belgian Red Cross explains how social groceries help people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. -
Tous Engagés
The French Red Cross hosted the festival “Tous Engagés", which showcased the role of social innovation in fostering solidarity and inclusion. -
Red Cross leaders call for sustainable and responsible migration policies
On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office joins Red Cross leaders from across Europe in calling for humanity to be placed at the heard of CEAS reform negotiations. -
Supporting Niger, key cross-road of migrations to the EU via Libya
In a hearing at the European Parliament, Red Cross EU Office director, Denis Haveaux stressed the importance of protecting people on their migratory routes through Niger. -
Civil protection in the face of changing risks
At the sixth European Civil Protection Forum, the Red Cross Red Crescent shared insight into its work with communities to mitigate growing risks. -
Exploring the role of volunteers in delivering FEAD
Members of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Network deliberated the challenges of recruiting and valuing volunteers in the provision of food aid. -
Eighth FEAD Network Meeting: Exploring the many faces of FEAD
The French government and implementing partner organisations invited stakeholders to Paris to visit local FEAD projects and discuss ideas for the programme's future. -
Madagascar plague: a no-regrets response
Drawing on the lessons learnt from the Ebola operation in 2014, the Red Cross Red Crescent has mounted its response to the plague outbreak in Madagascar. -
Seventh FEAD Network Meeting: preventing food waste through FEAD actions
Actors in food waste prevention and food aid came together to discuss how it can be developed to best serve vulnerable people. -
Hurricane Irma: Red Cross preparation and response
Following the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Cross has been closely involved in assisting people across the affected region. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations
Red Cross civil protection experts work on developing strategies to deal with the new kinds of risks faced in European cities. -
Third FEAD Network Meeting: Synergies between ESF and FEAD
The meeting focussed on finding synergies between initiatives funded under FEAD, and those financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). -
FEAD Network Launch Conference
On the 2nd and 3rd of June 2016, the first Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Network launch conference was held in Brussels. -
Hellenic Red Cross increases support for thousands of families trapped in camps
Medical care and vital food, water and emergency supplies are being prioritised by Red Cross teams at one of the Greek capital’s main camps for migrants. -
The EU-Turkey migration deal: a lack of empathy and humanity
The opinion of 23 European Red Cross Societies on the EU and Turkey agreement on migration. -
Press release
Migration to the EU: a perilous and difficult journey
We call on the EU and its Member States to focus on the factors that exacerbate the vulnerabilities of migrants and to develop measures to reduce these risks. -
French Red Cross responds to Paris terror attacks
French Red Cross has been on the frontline of rescue efforts to those caught by the series of tragic terror attacks in Paris on Friday, 13 November 2015. -
Our Principles in action
50 years of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Fundamental Principles. -
21 Red Cross National Societies in the European Union call for more legal avenues to access protection
Our call to the European Union institutions to provide more legal avenues for those who need access to protection. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
18 activities
How the Kenyan Red Cross and French Red Cross are supporting female entrepreneurs in Kenya
This initiative empowers women who are informal entrepreneurs to become business leaders in their communities, fostering stronger businesses and economic resilience. -
RED ROSES: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience
With natural disasters of escalating intensity and frequency due to climate change, the need for a coordinated, cross-border response has become imperative. -
Strengthening health services in rural Romania
The Romanian Red Cross is bringing health services closer to people to strengthen strained services and ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. -
Reunification pathways for integration
With support from the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration fund, the Red Cross is working to assess key obstacles to family reunification and help to reunite family members of refugees and beneficiaries of international protection in Europe. -
Supporting migrants along the shores of northern France
Before attempting to cross the English Channel, people in search of safety often strand in camps along the northern coast of France. To address their needs, the French Red Cross provides support to unaccompanied children, health services, and family reunification. -
Combatting energy poverty and unemployment
LogisCité by the French Red Cross offers free advisory home visits related to energy poverty to households experiencing difficulties in paying their energy bills, carried out by people in similar situations. -
Managing the "Double Epidemic"
To prevent and respond to the spread of COVID-19 and other epidemics, the Guinean Red Cross and French Red Cross are supporting regional health directorates and strengthening local epidemic management capacities. -
Enhancing food security and resilience in Mauritania
A programme by the Mauritanian Red Crescent and French Red Cross which targets vulnerable groups and offers activities aimed at supporting employability, entrepreneurship, agricultural production and good nutritional practices. -
Accompanying children to visit their parents in prison, key to maintain family ties
Since 2004, the Belgian Red Cross has trained, supported and coordinated over 1,170 volunteers who have helped 3,000 girls and boys to re-establish ties with their relatives deprived of their liberty. -
A refuge for young LGBT people in Rome
The Italian Red Cross runs a unique shelter that provides accommodation and support for gays and transexuals who have been subjected to violence or discrimination and need a safe place to rebuild their lives. -
Bringing families together
People who flee persecution or violence often experience family separation. National Red Cross Societies in Europe help them with reunification procedures, usually the only way to ensure their right to family life is respected. -
Caring for people with Alzheimer’s in France
The French Red Cross' service provides a space for rest and relaxation for people living with Alzheimer's. -
Increasing the capacity of local actors: the Lebanon case
The partnership between the Lebanese Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross aimed to reduce the Lebanese Red Cross’ dependency on donors while increasing their ability to address local needs. -
Humanitarian visas in practice
In September 2013, the Swiss Red Cross launched a programme to provide active support to Syrian nationals requesting for their relatives to be allowed to enter Switzerland legally using humanitarian visas. -
Mobile Teams assisting homeless people in France
The French Red Cross' Mobile Teams maintain social ties with people living on the street, provide advice on specific options for shelter and reception services that respect their dignity and choices, and alert public authorities of their needs and vulnerabilities. -
Reacting in emergencies
Following the Brussels attacks in March 2016, the Belgian Red Cross set up the new training module, "Reacting in emergencies". Aimed at the general public, the training covers how to react in the vital moments after an emergency and while waiting for help to arrive. -
Aware and Resilient
Between April 2013 and May 2015, Aware and Resilient worked to create community links between different disaster management actors at the local level and raise awareness among European citizens of the benefits of disaster preparedness. -
Fighting acute malnutrition in Chad
Working in partnership with the Red Cross of Chad, the French Red Cross implemented a project to reinforce health structures and reduce cases of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in the districts of Ati, Oum Hadjer and Yao.