Search results for “Family”
155 results found in 5 categories.
12 positions
Upholding the right to family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection in Europe
Recommendations to EU Member States which are subject to the EU Family Reunification Directive and other European countries that have adopted similar laws to ensure that beneficiaries of international protection can effectively access and exercise their right to family reunification.Download pdf -
Safe avenues to access protection in Europe
Red Cross and Red Crescent good practices and recommendations to increase access to safe avenues to protection in Europe.Download pdf -
Reducing the use of immigration detention in the EU
Red Cross EU Office recommendations to the European Union and Members States to limit the use of immigration detention and to develop and implement alternatives.Download pdf -
Reuniting families across borders
A joint Red Cross report on the humanitarian consequences of family separation and people going missing due to war, conflict and perilous migratory trails.Download pdf -
Moving forward together - Red Cross approach to social inclusion of migrants
This booklet showcases sixteen concrete examples of activities implemented by European Red Cross Societies with and for migrants to support their participation in all aspects of life at the local level.Download pdf -
Reforming the Common European Asylum System in a spirit of humanity and solidarity
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States on the process of reforming the Common European Asylum System.Download pdf -
Perilous journeys - vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU
This booklet looks at the risks and vulnerabilities experienced by migrants throughout their migratory journeys to the European Union.Download pdf -
Perilous journeys: addressing the vulnerabilities linked to migratory routes to the European Union
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States to help reduce risks and vulnerabilities along migratory routes to Europe.Download pdf -
Disrupted flight - The realities of separated refugee families in the EU
A report on family reunification procedures prepared together with the European Council on Refugees and Exiles.Download pdf -
Access to international protection in the EU for people fleeing Syria
We call on the EU and its Member States to respect their international obligations to ensure people fleeing Syria are provided with safe and effective legal avenues to apply for international protection in the EU.Download pdf -
Red Cross Red Crescent relations with EU civil protection actors for international activities
This position paper aims to clarify how National Red Cross Societies can engage with EU Member States in civil protection initiatives outside the EU.Download pdf -
Red Cross Red Crescent approach to resilience
This fact sheet outlines our approach and contribution to strengthening community resilience, highlighting relevant tools and guidelines.Download pdf
91 news
World Refugee Day: Solidarity in Action through the Safe Homes Programme
On World Refugee Day, we are proud to publish our new Lessons Learned report from the Safe Homes Programme. -
Lessons from private hosting: from emergency to preparedness for future welcoming initiatives
We co-hosted a discussion with the European Commission inviting different stakeholders to share perspectives from their experience in supporting people seeking a new home. -
Supporting the mental health of people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
On 9 April, the IFRC and the European Commission co-organised an event about the provision of mental health and psychosocial support to people displaced from Ukraine. -
Health and social care as a human right
We talked with Anya Blum to learn about the Austrian Red Cross’ work promoting long-term care in Austria and beyond. -
Safe but uncertain: two years after displacement from Ukraine
Two years after the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, some people from Ukraine living in the EU face a situation of uncertainty. -
EU decision makers reach political consensus on the Pact: humane implementation of new rules is paramount
Following the political consensus reached on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, we urge co-legislators to conclude the reform in a spirit of humanity. -
Tackling child poverty together
The European Child Guarantee aims to tackle child poverty, foster equal opportunities and prevent social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children to key services. -
Rising costs and falling temperatures will put many people in Europe at risk this winter
This winter, many people will be forced into making difficult decisions about their energy spending. -
Making Family Reunification a Reality
Together with the ICRC, we call on leaders to renew efforts to improve the implementation of the EU Family Reunification Directive. -
Migration Pact negotiations: Last chance to secure access to protection
The EU Migration and Asylum Pact reform needs to enhances mechanisms for identifying and addressing individual needs and vulnerabilities. -
No health without mental health: the EU’s long-awaited comprehensive approach to mental health
While applying a holistic approach to mental health, the EU's new mental health initiative needs to recognise the critical role of community-based mental health services. -
Supporting people in Ukraine and beyond - the Czech Red Cross response
We caught up with four colleagues from the Czech Red Cross to hear about their work to support people within Ukraine and on the move. -
Volunteering in an Outermost Region
We caught up with Joana (Portuguese Red Cross) and Andy Cinna (French Red Cross) to hear about their experiences being young volunteers in an EU Outermost Region. -
Changes to the UK asylum system - a bad precedent for Europe's migration policies?
We caught up with Jon Featonby from the British Red Cross to hear about what the new Nationality and Borders Act in the UK could mean for global and EU migration policies. -
Safe pathways to access protection in Europe
National Red Cross Societies implement different activities in resettlement, community sponsorship, and humanitarian visas as well as family reunification. -
Responding to evolving challenges and learning from them
Romania's disaster management system has faced new challenges and opportunities in terms of cross-border collaboration in recent months. -
Perspectives from the EU’s eastern border
We caught up with the Head of Information and Tracing Service at the Polish Red Cross to hear more about how their work to support people on the move has been affected. -
Building on unprecedented solidarity: promoting a more welcoming Europe
On World Refugee Day, we call for the EU to draw the positive lessons from their response to the Ukraine crisis and extend their solidarity to all protection seekers. -
Press release
Red Cross extends support to families separated by violence and conflict
Ahead of the International Day of Families on 15 May, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is expanding its family reunification services with a new initiative. -
Cash and livelihoods: a winning combination for long-term sustainability and support to refugees
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme provides cash assistance and longer-term livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities in Turkey. -
Conflict in Ukraine and displacement to Europe: the Red Cross response
The Red Cross has scaled up its operations in Ukraine and in the countries receiving people who have fled the conflict. -
Local approaches to support people who need food and material assistance
Amid the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities, the Belgian Red Cross is offering assistance to people struggling to make ends meet, including for the first time. -
Exclusion of rights at EU Borders: the new normal?
Ahead of International Migrants Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU to stop transforming Europe´s borders into areas of exclusion and exemption of human rights. -
The road towards affordable, high-quality long-term care in the EU
Our workshop on the European Care Strategy identified challenges to quality long-term care and how to resolve them, focusing on care for older people in Slovenia. -
The dignity and rights of people must be upheld at the EU’s eastern border
Amid the worsening humanitarian situation at the EU's border with Belarus, the focus needs to shift to ensuring respect for fundamental rights, in line with EU values. -
EU Action Plan on Migrant Smuggling: A missed opportunity to uphold the protection of humanitarian space
The European Commission's recently published Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling falls short in safeguarding the humanitarian space and access to protection for migrants. -
The EU cannot shirk its responsibilities towards Afghans in need of international protection
Ahead of the Resettlement Forum, we call for an ambitious and additional resettlement programme for Afghan refugees and a flexible use of other available pathways to safety. -
Time to Get Resettlement Moving!
Ahead of the EU Resettlement Forum, the Red Cross EU Office appeals to EU institutions and member states to urgently revive and increase resettlement efforts. -
Family unity cannot be compromised
For World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU and Member States to ensure that family reunification requests are not compromised by COVID-19-related measures. -
Press release
Red Cross steps up support to Venezuelan migrants
The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is strengthening its response to provide protection and assistance to Venezuelans and host communities in 17 American countries. -
An integrated and holistic approach towards social inclusion – the FEAD Thematic Seminar
Several Red Cross societies contributed to the FEAD Thematic Seminar on 29-30 April to enhance impact through integrated approaches supporting social inclusion. -
Volunteering and intergenerational connections to promote active ageing
Red Cross Societies recommendations on Europe's ageing society based on experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the life cycle. -
Promoting needs-based support for children and young people
The European Commission's Child Guarantee aims to uphold the rights of children and support children in need in an inclusive and participatory way. -
Syria - a decade of mounting humanitarian needs
At the Brussels V Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, the Red Cross Red Crescent called for safe humanitarian access and a political solution. -
Pledges are not enough - the world must not fail the people of Syria
Joint statement from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the ICRC and the IFRC ahead of the Brussels V Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”. -
Covid-19 Conversations: Restoring Family Links
Florence Boreil from the French Red Cross and Kalinka Yankova from the Bulgarian Red Cross discuss Restoring Family Links in times of a global pandemic. -
Covid 19 conversation: new types of poverty are emerging
Paola Salerno from the Italian Red Cross and Karin Afeef from the Norwegian Red Cross discuss future needs and challenges in working to reduce poverty and social exclusion. -
Family reunification: adjusting EU procedures is crucial
Increased efforts are needed so that legal frameworks translate into smoother and more humane processes on the ground. Read the summary of our webinar on this issue. -
Helping refugees in Turkey regain control of their lives
"We only came with our souls," says Amal, from Syria. The largest humanitarian programme of the EU, the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN), supports people like her. -
Massive surge in volunteer numbers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Hundreds of thousands have joined their National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society this year, providing vital support to their local communities in these critical times. -
Last call: The future Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund
Joint statement with other international and civil society organisations, making the case for a humane, transparent and effective use of EU resources for asylum and migration. -
COVID-19 conversations: Stay safe while helping others
Mayi Mukuna, from the Belgian Red Cross, and Agnese Trofimova, from the Latvian Red Cross, look at different strategies to continue supporting people in need amid lockdowns. -
COVID-19 conversations: Mental health will remain a challenge in the long run
Nadine Conrardy, from the Luxembourg Red Cross, and Joana Rodrigues, from the Portuguese Red Cross, discuss new ways to help communities – including psychosocial support -
Resettlement can't wait!
We appeal to the EU institutions and Member States to urgently revive and increase resettlement efforts. Read our joint statement with other aid organisations -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
The New Pact on Migration and Asylum
For World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU and Member States to increase safe, legal migration channels for protection seekers to the EU. -
Supporting the Most Vulnerable
Across Europe, Red Cross staff and volunteers are working to help local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on those most at risk. -
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN)
The Emergency Social Safety Net cash assistance programme will help 1.7 million refugees in Turkey to cover their basic needs. -
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
Reducing the use of immigration detention: lessons from Bulgaria
We talked to Mariana Stoyanova, head of Refugee-Migrant Service at the Bulgarian Red Cross, to find out more about immigration detention in Bulgaria. -
Integration in local communities: working with, and not for migrants
On 4 December, stakeholders gathered in Brussels to discuss how to better promote diversity and the integration of migrants across Europe through meaningful participation. -
The future of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
We join 18 CSOs in calling on EU co-legislators to work towards developing a more humane, transparent and effective Asylum and Migration Fund. -
Global Refugee Forum 2019: our call for EU leadership on resettlement
Ahead of the Global Refugee Forum on 17-18 December, we call on the EU and its Member States to demonstrate leadership on resettlement. -
Increasing numbers of asylum seekers facing challenges in Cyprus
The Cyprus Red Cross Society has been working to support asylum seekers and refugees who are arriving to the island at an increasing rate. -
Getting ready for school
In July and August, the Austrian Red Cross distributes school starter parcels among children attending primary and secondary school. -
Treating migrants and refugees with trauma in Sweden
How does the Swedish Red Cross help refugees and migrants who have suffered trauma linked to torture, armed conflict or dangerous migration journeys? -
The EU must stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants and refugees
We join over 100 independent organisations calling the new European Commission to stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants in Europe. -
Enabling a Europe that really protects
On World Refugee Day, we call on the emerging leadership to commit to enabling a Europe that really protects. -
Using FEAD to support vulnerable elderly people
On 4-5 June, the 16th meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) network took place in Lithuania to discuss support for older people. -
Mental health and psychosocial support
On 14 March, a Danish Red Cross event brought attention to mental health and psychosocial support for people affected by the conflict in Syria. -
Syria: an ongoing and acute humanitarian emergency
Red Cross Red Crescent representatives appeal for adequate financial resources to meet increasing and changing needs in Syria and neighbouring countries. -
Listening to the voices of children in exile
On 29 January 2019, a documentary screening was hosted at the European Parliament with the support of the Belgian Red Cross and the Intergroup on children's rights. -
Investing in migrant children and their futures
On International Migrants Day, the Red Cross EU Office urges the EU to ensure that migrant children are protected and provided with tools to build a positive future. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2018
Governments and aid groups can and must do more to stop millions being “left behind”, says new IFRC report. -
Red Cross leaders call for sustainable and responsible migration policies
On World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office joins Red Cross leaders from across Europe in calling for humanity to be placed at the heard of CEAS reform negotiations. -
Fighting sexual and gender-based violence in conflict-affected zones
At the EDDs 2018, we learnt more about the Netherlands Red Cross' work to support Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) survivors in South Sudan and Burundi. -
The Italian Red Cross has co-published a graphic novel that raises awareness of the migration phenomenon in the Mediterranean. -
Strengthening social rights
Social Services Europe presents its position paper and key recommendations on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. -
Challenges & opportunities for the social inclusion of migrants in the EU
Civil society and EU institutional representatives debated how EU migration and asylum programmes and policies can enhance the social inclusion prospects of migrants. -
Ensuring staffing for quality social care
A new report commissioned by Social Services Europe highlights possibilities for strengthening recruitment and retention in social services, in the context of EU policies. -
Helping young people into their first job
Thousands of unemployed young people in Spain receive Red Cross guidance and support to succeed in starting their first job. -
Hurricane Irma: Red Cross preparation and response
Following the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Cross has been closely involved in assisting people across the affected region. -
Civil society support for migrants: decriminalising solidarity and providing humanitarian admission
The Red Cross contributed to a conference on the role of civil society in supporting humanitarian admission of migrants in the EU. -
EU funding for the integration of migrants
The Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross shared views on EU funding at the information day "EU funding for the integration of third-country nationals". -
NGOs call upon EU institutions and member states to expand the use of safe and legal channels for refugees
We urge the Council and the European Parliament to continue to support and promote the use of humanitarian visas. -
International Migrants' Day: Our call to respect the rights of migrants in an irregular situation
The Red Cross EU Office urges the EU and its Member States to take decisive action to protect the dignity of migrants in an irregular situation. -
First FEAD Network Meeting: Motivating, coordinating and training volunteers
Red Cross practitioners share insights on motivating, coordinating and training volunteers to deliver food aid and social assistance. -
Reception of asylum seekers: a crucial step towards a new life
With around 1.2 million asylum claims registered in 2015, reception systems across the EU are currently under unprecedented strain. -
Developing capacities to identify and respond to the needs of victims
It is estimated that globally, there are about 20 to 30 million people coerced into exploitative situations, subjected to physical and mental violence and abuse. -
Responders provide vital support to victims and their families
Since the onset of the emergency, the Italian Red Cross has been present offering support in the affected areas, with more than 450 volunteers. -
Reform of the EU Asylum System: An Opportunity to Regain Leadership in Refugee Protection
We call on the EU to reaffirm its commitment to refugee protection by implementing a response to the current situation that respects refugee rights. -
Press release
IFRC doubles support for migrants stranded in Greece
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has more than doubled its Emergency Appeal to CHF 28.7 million. -
Hellenic Red Cross increases support for thousands of families trapped in camps
Medical care and vital food, water and emergency supplies are being prioritised by Red Cross teams at one of the Greek capital’s main camps for migrants. -
The EU-Turkey migration deal: a lack of empathy and humanity
The opinion of 23 European Red Cross Societies on the EU and Turkey agreement on migration. -
Press release
Red Cross EU Office Conference: Perilous journeys – Vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU
The Red Cross EU Office will hold the conference ‘’Perilous journeys – Vulnerabilities along migratory routes to the EU’’ on Friday 18 March. -
Red Cross EU Office Director speaks at the European Parliament on the integration of refugees
The Red Cross EU Office Director spoke at the European Parliament’s public hearing on "Refugees – social inclusion and integration into the labour market”. -
The Rain Couldn’t Extinguish the Torchlights at Solferino
Every June, Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers and staff gather in Solferino to re-trace the route taken by rescuers during the historic battle of 1859. -
Press release
Migration to the EU: a perilous and difficult journey
We call on the EU and its Member States to focus on the factors that exacerbate the vulnerabilities of migrants and to develop measures to reduce these risks. -
Press release
Challenges in providing adequate reception for asylum seekers across the EU: Red Cross EU Office Conference
The Red Cross EU Office will hold the conference "Emerging challenges in the European Union asylum reception systems” at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU. -
Statement on behalf of the Red Cross National Societies in the European Union and Norway
Our statement on supporting safe passage for migrants: Europe can and must do more.
49 activities
"No one crosses that jungle without a dream”- braving the Darien Gap in search of a better future
Hundreds of thousands of people are crossing the Darien Gap every year in search of safety and opportunity. Meet Karen, Francis, Angel, Yennifer and Luis. -
Compassion Meets Action: A New Kind of Homeless Shelter
The Portuguese Red Cross runs an innovative shelter for people experiencing homelessness and their pet dogs. -
Fighting loneliness
In Belgium, the Red Cross is working to improve the lives of older people by enabling them to stay connected and fully exercise their role as active and autonomous citizens through healthy life choices. -
Strengthening capacities that provide life opportunities
The Colombian Red Cross, in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, supports both migrants and vulnerable host communities, especially women and children, to address the humanitarian and protection needs of families. -
The Hungarian Red Cross Girl-to-Woman programme tackles period poverty by providing free feminine hygiene products in schools. -
Reunification pathways for integration
With support from the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration fund, the Red Cross is working to assess key obstacles to family reunification and help to reunite family members of refugees and beneficiaries of international protection in Europe. -
Supporting migrants along the shores of northern France
Before attempting to cross the English Channel, people in search of safety often strand in camps along the northern coast of France. To address their needs, the French Red Cross provides support to unaccompanied children, health services, and family reunification. -
Unseen?! Refugees with disabilities in Germany
To address the obstacles that refugees with disabilities face during their asylum procedure, The German Red Cross published a report assessing the needs of refugees with disabilities in Germany. -
Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity in Sierra Leone
To address community health issues and gender-based violence, the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society, the Finnish Red Cross and the Icelandic Red Cross implement the BRIDGE (Building Resilience, Inclusive Development and Gender Equity) project. -
Fighting against energy poverty and climate change
The Spanish Red Cross supports vulnerable households at risk of falling into energy poverty helping them understand their electricity bill and providing personalized advice on energy efficiency. -
Holistic Support to migrants and asylum seekers integration in the labour market
The BIN project aims to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Bremen and Bremerhaven through vocational training and support in accessing employment, including by promoting the employment of migrants and refugees among potential employers. -
Finding financial independence, following passions
Funded by DG ECHO, the ESSN by IFRC and the Turkish Red Crescent is the biggest humanitarian programme in EU history. Refugee families in Turkey receive monthly cash assistance enabling them to decide how to cover essential needs. -
Healing by doing – promoting mental health among beneficiaries of international protection
To improve the mental health of survivors of psychological trauma such as human trafficking or violence during the migratory route, ALIN by the Luxembourg Red Cross offers a range of activities. -
Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance
Every monsoon season, Nepal is hit by floods. The Nepal Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross are tying anticipatory action into the Nepalese social protection system through forecast-based cash assistance which reaches 270 households vulnerable to disaster. -
Healthcare, therapy, and education in an inclusive family atmosphere
Children with a disability are particularly vulnerable to discrimination. The Cyprus Red Cross operates a therapy centre providing healthcare, therapeutic assistance & opportunities for disabled children to learn and thrive. -
Buttek – Grocery stores against poverty
In response to the increasing number of households in precarious socio-economic situations, the Luxembourg Red Cross established social supermarkets where people affected by poverty can buy food and household items at a fraction of the market price. -
Long Journeys in Short Records - facilitating cultural dialogue
To support integration and foster intercultural awareness between refugees and their host communities, the Slovenian Red Cross launched a booklet collecting cultural anecdotes as part of their #Mi2 project. -
Combatting homelessness, boosting independence
To counter worrying homelessness rates in the Czech Republic, the Czech Red Cross operates several projects offering shelter to those experiencing homelessness. -
Empowered through business incubators
Roma and Egyptians represent the most vulnerable national minority in Montenegro. With help from the Italian Red Cross, the Red Cross of Montenegro established the first business incubators for Roma and Egyptian entrepreneurs in Camp Konik, near Montenegro´s capital Podgorica. -
Accompanying children to visit their parents in prison, key to maintain family ties
Since 2004, the Belgian Red Cross has trained, supported and coordinated over 1,170 volunteers who have helped 3,000 girls and boys to re-establish ties with their relatives deprived of their liberty. -
A refuge for young LGBT people in Rome
The Italian Red Cross runs a unique shelter that provides accommodation and support for gays and transexuals who have been subjected to violence or discrimination and need a safe place to rebuild their lives. -
A new home: facilitating asylum seekers' and refugees’ integration in Portugal
Since 2015, multi-disciplinary teams provide a wide range of services to protection seekers across the country, with a strong focus on individual empowerment. -
Tackling disaster risks and climate change in Honduras: from reforesting to entrepreneurship
Nearly 70,000 people from rural areas in Honduras have benefitted from a programme supported by the Italian Red Cross to build more resilient and sustainable communities. -
Help and protection for migrants at Lithuanian borders: "I see a family member in you"
Qualified teams monitor the situation, train border guard officers on how to interact with migrants, and provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in detention – including legal aid and family reunification services. -
Bringing families together
People who flee persecution or violence often experience family separation. National Red Cross Societies in Europe help them with reunification procedures, usually the only way to ensure their right to family life is respected. -
A WhatsApp Service for Teenagers offered by the Austrian Youth Red Cross -
Making Assistive Technology Work for All
The Orientatech project in Spain invites the users of assistive technologies to join the development and testing of devices and applications. -
My future counts
A project by the Swedish Red Cross provides assistance to young migrants who have turned 18 and are at risk of becoming homeless. -
Supporting unaccompanied and separated children in family based care
The SAFE project worked to enable frontline practitioners, care professionals, and foster carers to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence in providing better quality family-based care to unaccompanied and separated children. -
Offering sustainable support to survivors of trafficking
National Red Cross Societies in the UK, Croatia and the Netherlands are developing and promoting a consistent approach to the identification, protection and integration of survivors of trafficking across the EU. -
Assisting Venezuelans on the move
The Red Cross is implementing a humanitarian assistance project to help people affected by the Venezuelan crisis. -
Itt a helyed! Supporting young people in transition from school to work
A new voluntary service scheme by Hungarian Red Cross offers young people a chance to gain skills and experiences to help with the transition from school to work. -
Youth Shelters in Finland
The Finnish Red Cross works to provide a safe and supportive space to help young people find shelter, protection, or advice in times of personal crisis. -
Health information to enhance families' wellbeing in Kenya
The Finnish Red Cross worked with Kenyan Red Cross to improve the health capacities and practices of local communities in Tana River County. -
Adapting to a changing climate in East Sudan
A collaboration between the Sudanese Red Crescent and the German Red Cross aims to support farmers in Sudan to survive in the age of climate change. -
A sense of community in Greece
The Hellenic Red Cross opens multifunctional centres in Greece that help migrants integrate into Greek society. -
A new home in Ireland
How the Irish Red Cross is supporting migrants transferred to Ireland under the EU Relocation scheme. -
Improving migrants’ access to rights and services through coordinated civil society action
Through innovative thinking and coordinated efforts, the Rights of Migrants in Action project addressed the specific needs of thousands of migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
Displaced in their own city: supporting people in Mosul
Hygiene promotion and the provision of clean water, non-food items, and healthcare are amongst the services being offered by Red Cross Red Crescent partners. -
Managing natural resources in Burundi
A project implemented by the Spanish Red Cross and Burundi Red Cross has supported sustainable development in the Makamba province through local farmers' cooperatives. -
Humanitarian visas in practice
In September 2013, the Swiss Red Cross launched a programme to provide active support to Syrian nationals requesting for their relatives to be allowed to enter Switzerland legally using humanitarian visas. -
Solace and support for survivors of domestic abuse
The Danish Red Cross, Hungarian Red Cross, Romanian Red Cross, and Bulgarian Red Cross are strengthening psychological approaches and practices to strengthen the resilience of women and children who have experienced domestic violence. -
Friends pave the way
In 2016, the Danish Red Cross and Danish Refugee Council launched a new 'buddy programme', which pairs up newly arrived refugees with local volunteers to promote individual integration and social cohesion at the local level. -
Empowering communities after Typhoon Haiyan
After Typhoon Haiyan tore across central Philippines in November 2013, the Spanish Red Cross started a project to support the most vulnerable families, and make them more resilient to natural disasters in the future. -
Community building and inclusion in Germany
The German Red Cross promotes social inclusion for migrants by arranging swimming lessons, a second-hand bike service, language classes, and support with asylum claims, as part of their long-term strategy to support migrant integration in Germany. -
Youth and Drugs Project
Project Y.A.D brings together expertise from practical work addressing drug addiction, with the motivational force of young volunteers. Peer education activities on substance abuse by youth volunteers are a valuable tool for health promotion among young people. -
Aware and Resilient
Between April 2013 and May 2015, Aware and Resilient worked to create community links between different disaster management actors at the local level and raise awareness among European citizens of the benefits of disaster preparedness. -
Building resilience in Austria
The "Social Buddy" project aims to build resilience by offering support and guidance to people experiencing difficulties such as sudden unemployment and family problems, including the loss of a family member. -
Combating violence against older women
"Breaking the Taboo" aimed to improve the situation of older women living at home by empowering health and social service professionals to recognise abusive situations and to help combat them.