Search results for “First Aid”
158 results found in 5 categories.
3 positions
Lessons from the Safe Homes programme: Hosting as an option to accommodate people who have lost their homes
This report, leveraging the Red Cross expertise and first-hand experience, reflects on the opportunities and limits of using hosting as a tool to accommodate people who have lost their homes. It outlines 15 key lessons for authorities to ensure the safety, dignity and well-being of hosts and guests. The lessons elaborate on some vital aspects of the long-term preparedness that public authorities should put in place to make hosting a potential and positive option for the future.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
Red Cross Red Crescent relations with EU civil protection actors for international activities
This position paper aims to clarify how National Red Cross Societies can engage with EU Member States in civil protection initiatives outside the EU.Download pdf
103 news
Lessons from private hosting: from emergency to preparedness for future welcoming initiatives
We co-hosted a discussion with the European Commission inviting different stakeholders to share perspectives from their experience in supporting people seeking a new home. -
Supporting the mental health of people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
On 9 April, the IFRC and the European Commission co-organised an event about the provision of mental health and psychosocial support to people displaced from Ukraine. -
Press release
IFRC calls for humane implementation of the European Pact on Asylum and Migration
As the focus on EU Pact on Migration and Aslyum shifts to implementation, IFRC calls on EU Member States to upholds the welfare, rights and dignity of all migrants. -
Health and social care as a human right
We talked with Anya Blum to learn about the Austrian Red Cross’ work promoting long-term care in Austria and beyond. -
European Humanitarian Forum: for more effective and sustainable solutions
The third European Humanitarian Forum is an opportunity to promote dialogue among key stakeholders on pressing humanitarian challenges. -
2023 highlights
We continue to work with our members to engage with the EU to safeguard and respond to the needs of people experiencing vulnerability in the face of new and evolving crises. -
Bringing health care into communities
We had a conversation with the President of the Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross Society Jill De Bourg to know more about their work in health. -
Strengthening local actors
We had a conversation with Elias Solis and José Juan Castro to discuss lessons learned and good practices in the application of the localisation approach. -
Tackling child poverty together
The European Child Guarantee aims to tackle child poverty, foster equal opportunities and prevent social exclusion by guaranteeing access for children to key services. -
Three core priorities for the Spanish EU Presidency
The Spanish Red Cross is mobilised to promote the voices of volunteers and the people they assist in national and European discussions. -
Seven priorities to expand resettlement and safe pathways to Europe
Ahead of EU Member States submitting their pledges for the EU resettlement scheme, we call on leaders to ambitiously expand safe pathways to international protection. -
Reinforcing healthcare systems at national and European levels
In the framework of the European Public Health Week, we hosted the event “Accessing healthcare in the EU – Bridging gaps and tackling vulnerabilities”. -
Supporting people in Ukraine and beyond - the Czech Red Cross response
We caught up with four colleagues from the Czech Red Cross to hear about their work to support people within Ukraine and on the move. -
The EU as a global health actor: ambitious new strategy
While outlining a solid roadmap to improving health and wellbeing, the EU Global Health Strategy needs to recognise the role of local actors in supporting remote communities. -
Voices of young people at European level – the European Youth Network
We caught up with Eva Croon who recently represented the Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Network during a meeting with European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič. -
Europe on fire – the importance of climate change adaptation
This summer, extreme temperatures have again escalated into dangerous climate-related hazards across Europe, underlining the importance of climate change adaptation. -
Perspectives from the EU’s eastern border
We caught up with the Head of Information and Tracing Service at the Polish Red Cross to hear more about how their work to support people on the move has been affected. -
Building on unprecedented solidarity: promoting a more welcoming Europe
On World Refugee Day, we call for the EU to draw the positive lessons from their response to the Ukraine crisis and extend their solidarity to all protection seekers. -
A collaborative response to address the needs of people displaced by the Ukrainian conflict
The European Civil Protection Forum will be an important opportunity to exchange and to take stock of the first lessons learnt from the Ukrainian crisis. -
Mounting global needs call for renewed European leadership on resettlement
We call EU leaders to make the most out of the solidarity provided in the last months, and to step up resettlement to meet global protection needs. -
Conflict in Ukraine and displacement to Europe: the Red Cross response
The Red Cross has scaled up its operations in Ukraine and in the countries receiving people who have fled the conflict. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Experience in floods response feeding the disaster management system
We caught up with German Red Cross Head of Civil Protection & Resource Management Martin von Langenthal to hear about their disaster preparedness. -
Converging Approaches to Combatting Homelessness in Europe
The Red Cross EU Office and French Red Cross hosted an event to identify strategies for prevention, response and actions to exit homelessness. -
The road towards affordable, high-quality long-term care in the EU
Our workshop on the European Care Strategy identified challenges to quality long-term care and how to resolve them, focusing on care for older people in Slovenia. -
The dignity and rights of people must be upheld at the EU’s eastern border
Amid the worsening humanitarian situation at the EU's border with Belarus, the focus needs to shift to ensuring respect for fundamental rights, in line with EU values. -
Haiti earthquake: an example of an internationally coordinated response effort
Three months after an earthquake struck Haiti, the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement continues to supporting recovery and reconstruction. -
Press release
Drowning just below the surface
A new report by IFRC showcases how people around the world were affected by the impacts of COVID-19 and how the response was adapted to support vulnerable communities. -
Preparing communities to face future disasters and adapt to climate change
With significantly increasing risks of extreme weather events and other disasters, delivering on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is ever more urgent. -
Happening here and now: Europe in the face of extreme weather events
Extreme weather events like floods and fires are likely to occur more frequently due to climate change, making preparedness essential to mitigate risks and save lives. -
Press release
Red Cross steps up support to Venezuelan migrants
The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is strengthening its response to provide protection and assistance to Venezuelans and host communities in 17 American countries. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
An integrated and holistic approach towards social inclusion – the FEAD Thematic Seminar
Several Red Cross societies contributed to the FEAD Thematic Seminar on 29-30 April to enhance impact through integrated approaches supporting social inclusion. -
Pledges are not enough - the world must not fail the people of Syria
Joint statement from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the ICRC and the IFRC ahead of the Brussels V Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region”. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
Family reunification: adjusting EU procedures is crucial
Increased efforts are needed so that legal frameworks translate into smoother and more humane processes on the ground. Read the summary of our webinar on this issue. -
Immigration detention should only be a last resort
A webinar organised by ICRC Brussels and the Red Cross EU Office brought together 70 experts to discuss its humanitarian impact, and alternatives to uphold human rights. -
Massive surge in volunteer numbers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Hundreds of thousands have joined their National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society this year, providing vital support to their local communities in these critical times. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Press release
World Disasters Report 2020: the global response to climate change is failing people in most need
New analysis by IFRC shows that the most affected countries receive only a fraction of the available funding for adaptation, and thus struggle to protect communities. -
Delivering FEAD beyond 2020: achievements, challenges and lessons learned to support the most deprived
One in five people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion before the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands more struggle now, and many need help for the first time. -
COVID-19 conversations: Stay safe while helping others
Mayi Mukuna, from the Belgian Red Cross, and Agnese Trofimova, from the Latvian Red Cross, look at different strategies to continue supporting people in need amid lockdowns. -
COVID-19 conversations: Mental health will remain a challenge in the long run
Nadine Conrardy, from the Luxembourg Red Cross, and Joana Rodrigues, from the Portuguese Red Cross, discuss new ways to help communities – including psychosocial support -
Urgent climate action, a shared responsibility
Reducing carbon emissions is not enough. Increased funding, adaptation strategies and joint efforts are needed to tackle this crisis, as highlighted at the Climate:Red Summit -
COVID-19 conversations: Digital or face-to-face help?
Senior managers from the Danish Red Cross and the Finnish Red Cross share their experiences and challenges during the pandemic, with suggestions for next steps. -
COVID-19 conversations: How to tackle rising needs and stigma
We interview representatives from local branches of the Hungarian and Slovenian Red Cross on the impacts of the pandemic for the most affected. -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
Youth engagement, key for more inclusive and resilient communities
Young volunteers play a key role on social inclusion, humanitarian aid and environmental matters. Read inspiring stories from National Red Cross Societies across Europe -
Volunteering in the midst of a pandemic
Red Cross volunteers across Europe are playing a key role against COVID-19, involved in activities such as ambulance services, telephone helplines, health campaigns... -
EU Aid Volunteers: A Story from Ukraine
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the Finnish Red Cross who was deployed to Ukraine to support communications activities. -
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh. -
Increasing preparedness in the Baltic Sea Region
Since the tragic Estonia ferry disaster 25 years ago, neighbouring Red Cross Societies have been strengthening their joint response capacities. -
21, accelerating social impact at the French Red Cross
Through its social innovation accelerator, the French Red Cross is implementing a transformation strategy that aims to increase its impact for society. -
An emerging humanitarian crisis at the EU’s border
The Red Cross has been providing critical humanitarian assistance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where living conditions faced by migrants are quickly deteriorating. -
World conference on health and climate change
A global conference organised by the French Red Cross highlights the need for concrete action to reduce and mitigate the public health challenges that climate change presents. -
Mental health and psychosocial support
On 14 March, a Danish Red Cross event brought attention to mental health and psychosocial support for people affected by the conflict in Syria. -
Syria: an ongoing and acute humanitarian emergency
Red Cross Red Crescent representatives appeal for adequate financial resources to meet increasing and changing needs in Syria and neighbouring countries. -
Using AMF to support transparent and effective migration policies
Recommendations from civil society organisations to ensure that the Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF) supports humane, transparent, and effective migration policies. -
Listening to the voices of children in exile
On 29 January 2019, a documentary screening was hosted at the European Parliament with the support of the Belgian Red Cross and the Intergroup on children's rights. -
Improving the reception of asylum seekers in the EU
Enhancing the management of asylum reception was the focus of the closing conference of the European Platform of Reception Agencies. -
The Global Compact for Migration
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) set to be adopted on 10-11 December, provides an chance to reassert the human rights of migrants worldwide. -
Auderghem Social Grocery
Mayi Mukuna of the Belgian Red Cross explains how social groceries help people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. -
Bulgarian Red Cross celebrates 140-year anniversary
The organisation celebrated its rich history and welcomed guests from across Europe. -
Strengthening the social impact of food and material assistance through accompanying measures
On 4-5 October, Red Cross practitioners contributed to the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) Network meeting in Malta. -
Arctic emergency response calls for cooperation and pre-planning
A new Finnish Red Cross report shows the need to enhance capacities and strengthen pre-planning for major accidents in the Arctic area. -
Tous Engagés
The French Red Cross hosted the festival “Tous Engagés", which showcased the role of social innovation in fostering solidarity and inclusion. -
Building partnerships for effective FEAD delivery
Representatives from across Europe met for the 11th meeting of the FEAD Network to discuss how to work together to improve social services. -
Strengthening social rights
Social Services Europe presents its position paper and key recommendations on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. -
Exploring the role of volunteers in delivering FEAD
Members of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Network deliberated the challenges of recruiting and valuing volunteers in the provision of food aid. -
Challenges & opportunities for the social inclusion of migrants in the EU
Civil society and EU institutional representatives debated how EU migration and asylum programmes and policies can enhance the social inclusion prospects of migrants. -
Eighth FEAD Network Meeting: Exploring the many faces of FEAD
The French government and implementing partner organisations invited stakeholders to Paris to visit local FEAD projects and discuss ideas for the programme's future. -
Seventh FEAD Network Meeting: preventing food waste through FEAD actions
Actors in food waste prevention and food aid came together to discuss how it can be developed to best serve vulnerable people. -
Hurricane Irma: Red Cross preparation and response
Following the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Cross has been closely involved in assisting people across the affected region. -
The Grand Bargain: working towards localisation
The IFRC highlighted the need to expand the use of funding and strengthen capacities for localisation, in its address to COHAFA. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Civil society support for migrants: decriminalising solidarity and providing humanitarian admission
The Red Cross contributed to a conference on the role of civil society in supporting humanitarian admission of migrants in the EU. -
Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations
Red Cross civil protection experts work on developing strategies to deal with the new kinds of risks faced in European cities. -
International Migrants' Day: Our call to respect the rights of migrants in an irregular situation
The Red Cross EU Office urges the EU and its Member States to take decisive action to protect the dignity of migrants in an irregular situation. -
Third FEAD Network Meeting: Synergies between ESF and FEAD
The meeting focussed on finding synergies between initiatives funded under FEAD, and those financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). -
First FEAD Network Meeting: Motivating, coordinating and training volunteers
Red Cross practitioners share insights on motivating, coordinating and training volunteers to deliver food aid and social assistance. -
Developing capacities to identify and respond to the needs of victims
It is estimated that globally, there are about 20 to 30 million people coerced into exploitative situations, subjected to physical and mental violence and abuse. -
Responders provide vital support to victims and their families
Since the onset of the emergency, the Italian Red Cross has been present offering support in the affected areas, with more than 450 volunteers. -
Coordinating Effective Responses for When Disaster Strikes
There is a growing need for legal preparedness due to the rising frequency, severity and impact of disasters, as well as an increase in the number and diversity of responders. -
FEAD Network Launch Conference
On the 2nd and 3rd of June 2016, the first Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Network launch conference was held in Brussels. -
Reform of the EU Asylum System: An Opportunity to Regain Leadership in Refugee Protection
We call on the EU to reaffirm its commitment to refugee protection by implementing a response to the current situation that respects refugee rights. -
Italian Red Cross teams up with search and rescue service to save lives in the Mediterranean
Medics from the Italian Red Cross joined forces with the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) on board its flagship rescue vessel "Phoenix" as it set sail from Malta on Monday. -
Press release
IFRC doubles support for migrants stranded in Greece
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has more than doubled its Emergency Appeal to CHF 28.7 million. -
One year after the Nepal earthquake - millions of survivors remain homeless
One year after a 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April, 2015, an estimated four million people are still living in sub-standard temporary shelters. -
Belgian Red Cross teams treat wounded in wake of Brussels attacks
Dozens of people injured in yesterday’s attacks in Brussels have been treated by Belgian Red Cross medics working across the capital. -
Red Cross EU Office Director speaks at the European Parliament on the integration of refugees
The Red Cross EU Office Director spoke at the European Parliament’s public hearing on "Refugees – social inclusion and integration into the labour market”. -
Aidex 2015: British Red Cross shares experiences and lessons learned
At Aidex 2015 the British Red Cross participated in the panel discussion "Collaboration - You'll work harder than you ever imagined". -
ECHO Annual Partners Conference: Brussels launch of World Disasters Report 2015
The Red Cross EU Office participated in a panel discussion where we highlighted some of the main findings of the World Disasters Report 2015. -
Press release
Typhoon Haiyan: two years on
Two years on, Red Cross Typhoon Haiyan support ‘restores hope and dignity’ to more than 880,000 people. -
Press release
Nepal Earthquake: six months on
Six months after the Nepal earthquake, long-term recovery needs of survivors must be addressed. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
European Commission staff donation to the Red Cross
European Commission staff donate generously to support the Red Cross migration response. -
Press release
Fifty Years Anniversary of the Red Cross Red Crescent Fundamental Principles
50 years on: Red Cross Red Crescent’s Principles continue making a difference in people’s lives. -
Our Principles in action
50 years of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Fundamental Principles. -
Press release
World Disaster Report 2015 Launch
The report examines the complexities and challenges local actors face in scaling-up and sustaining their humanitarian response. -
21 Red Cross National Societies in the European Union call for more legal avenues to access protection
Our call to the European Union institutions to provide more legal avenues for those who need access to protection. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
50 activities
Inclusion starts with accommodation
Having stable accommodation is the first step to (re)build your life. The Slovak Red Cross provided host family assistance and rental assistance. -
Breaking stigmas around mental health
Traumatic experiences have an impact in the mental health of people. The Red Cross is providing psychological first aid and mental health services to those who had to leave their homes in Ukraine. -
"No one crosses that jungle without a dream”- braving the Darien Gap in search of a better future
Hundreds of thousands of people are crossing the Darien Gap every year in search of safety and opportunity. Meet Karen, Francis, Angel, Yennifer and Luis. -
Social innovative community and voluntary-based services for older people
The I-CCC project aims to influence national reforms in long-term care through developing, testing and advocating for social innovative community and voluntary-based services for older people. -
Strengthening health services in rural Romania
The Romanian Red Cross is bringing health services closer to people to strengthen strained services and ensure that everyone has access to healthcare. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Baltic
EvRE brought together four National Red Cross Societies to prepare for cross-border embergency scenarios. -
Strengthening capacities that provide life opportunities
The Colombian Red Cross, in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, supports both migrants and vulnerable host communities, especially women and children, to address the humanitarian and protection needs of families. -
From healthcare to socio-economic inclusion: alleviating the vulnerabilities of migrants in the Maldives
Proportionately, the Maldives has the largest population of migrants in South Asia. The Maldivian Red Crescent and the Italian Red Cross offer assistance to migrants in the country. -
Medical assistance to people displaced from Ukraine
In response to the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, the Bulgarian Red Cross operates helplines for health and psychosocial support to ensure that people displaced from Ukraine have access to healthcare. -
Supporting migrants along the shores of northern France
Before attempting to cross the English Channel, people in search of safety often strand in camps along the northern coast of France. To address their needs, the French Red Cross provides support to unaccompanied children, health services, and family reunification. -
Fostering action and support to trafficked persons
To improve the identification capacities of trafficking survivors, and support survivors in their journey from healing to integration in their new homes, several National Red Cross Societies and other partners joined forces in the FAST project. -
Combatting energy poverty and unemployment
LogisCité by the French Red Cross offers free advisory home visits related to energy poverty to households experiencing difficulties in paying their energy bills, carried out by people in similar situations. -
Promoting resilient neighbourhoods to overcome vulnerability
The ‘Socially Sustainable Cities’ programme by the Swedish Red Cross aims to contribute to improving the situation for people living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas and to countering the structural causes of inequality. -
First aid blended learning with a first aid application
The Belgian Red Cross (Flanders) has developed a scalable first aid blended learning training for several African countries, making localized and evidenced-based first aid tools and materials more widely available. -
Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance
Every monsoon season, Nepal is hit by floods. The Nepal Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross are tying anticipatory action into the Nepalese social protection system through forecast-based cash assistance which reaches 270 households vulnerable to disaster. -
Healthcare, therapy, and education in an inclusive family atmosphere
Children with a disability are particularly vulnerable to discrimination. The Cyprus Red Cross operates a therapy centre providing healthcare, therapeutic assistance & opportunities for disabled children to learn and thrive. -
Managing the "Double Epidemic"
To prevent and respond to the spread of COVID-19 and other epidemics, the Guinean Red Cross and French Red Cross are supporting regional health directorates and strengthening local epidemic management capacities. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Alps
IRONORE 2019, a full-scale civil protection exercise in Austria, brought together several Red Cross Societies and rescue organisations to prepare for various cross-border emergency scenarios. -
Preparing schools and kindergartens for hazards
The 'Safer Schools and Kindergartens' Project by several Red Cross Societies aims to train children in first aid and prepare them for hazards. -
Tackling disaster risks and climate change in Honduras: from reforesting to entrepreneurship
Nearly 70,000 people from rural areas in Honduras have benefitted from a programme supported by the Italian Red Cross to build more resilient and sustainable communities. -
Motivation and support for life-changing journeys
The Latvian Red Cross has assisted nearly 500 people at risk of discrimination and social exclusion through a programme to help them access education or take up work. -
Help and protection for migrants at Lithuanian borders: "I see a family member in you"
Qualified teams monitor the situation, train border guard officers on how to interact with migrants, and provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in detention – including legal aid and family reunification services. -
Developing new 'green pearls' in Haiti: safe, thriving and empowered communities
The Netherlands Red Cross is helping to create environments where people can live in a healthy balance between human needs, natural resources and economic growth. -
Women Deliver Healthcare to Displaced Populations in Iraq
A joint initiative by the Iraqi Red Crescent and the Norwegian Red Cross helps deliver vital healthcare to vulnerable communities. -
You are not alone
An Italian Red Cross hotline service helps people struggling with loneliness and provides them with support through difficult times. -
Promoting the role of citizens in civil protection
A project led by the Austrian Red Cross aims to strengthen cooperation between Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine in the field of disaster preparedness and response. -
Community Based Health and First Aid
Running since 2009, the Irish Red Cross' CBHFA programme is a unique approach to improving community health, hygiene awareness, and first aid skills in prisons through volunteer inmates as peer-to-peer educators. -
Assisting Venezuelans on the move
The Red Cross is implementing a humanitarian assistance project to help people affected by the Venezuelan crisis. -
Itt a helyed! Supporting young people in transition from school to work
A new voluntary service scheme by Hungarian Red Cross offers young people a chance to gain skills and experiences to help with the transition from school to work. -
Dhaka earthquake and emergency preparedness
In the disaster-prone city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the German Red Cross led a project to prepare local communities and authorities for quick and efficient emergency response. -
Protecting people in the mountains
The Bulgarian Red Cross’ mountain rescuers are on the first line of response when people get lost or injured in Bulgaria’s hard-to-reach terrains. -
Youth Shelters in Finland
The Finnish Red Cross works to provide a safe and supportive space to help young people find shelter, protection, or advice in times of personal crisis. -
Ensuring safety in Bulgarian waters
How the Bulgarian Red Cross’ Water Rescue Service has been saving lives and increasing awareness of water safety measures across the country. -
Improving support for witnesses of crimes
The Witness Support Service of the Norwegian Red Cross provides emotional support and advice to those involved in court proceedings. -
A sense of community in Greece
The Hellenic Red Cross opens multifunctional centres in Greece that help migrants integrate into Greek society. -
Psychosocial support in complex emergencies across Europe
A multinational project that aims to improve the disaster response capacities of European emergency and volunteer organisations. -
Strengthening local actors in water and sanitation across Latin America
With the Water and Sanitation Disaster Response and Preparedness Programme, National Red Cross Societies aim to strengthen coordination across the Latin American region. -
First aid around central Europe's largest lake
Through this Hungarian Red Cross initiative, young people enjoy the benefits of volunteering and give first aid support to visitors around Lake Balaton. -
Intergenerational learning in Poland
To help ensure senior citizens are valued and included in society, the Polish Red Cross project SeniorON creates opportunities for young and old to come together and learn from each other. -
Model Villages in Rwanda
Communities in Rwanda are making their own solutions to become more resilient, in a project coordinated by the Rwanda Red Cross with the support of various European National Red Cross Societies. -
Forecast Based Financing
A strategy that enables humanitarian action in advance of a potential disaster, by releasing funds according to scientific forecasts of extreme weather. -
Fuelling hope in northern Colombia
The Norwegian Red Cross and the Spanish Red Cross are supporting the Colombian Red Cross to deliver life-saving support in the conflict-torn areas of Colombia. -
Mobile Teams assisting homeless people in France
The French Red Cross' Mobile Teams maintain social ties with people living on the street, provide advice on specific options for shelter and reception services that respect their dignity and choices, and alert public authorities of their needs and vulnerabilities. -
Cash transfers in Swaziland
The worst El Niño weather phenomenon in decades has left 25 per cent of Swaziland's population in desperate need of food assistance. With entire crops failed, the Red Cross is turning to cash transfers to help see families through the difficult times. -
Reacting in emergencies
Following the Brussels attacks in March 2016, the Belgian Red Cross set up the new training module, "Reacting in emergencies". Aimed at the general public, the training covers how to react in the vital moments after an emergency and while waiting for help to arrive. -
Support at home following hospitalisation
This British Red Cross programme helps thousands of people following a short stay in hospital and prevents unnecessary hospital admissions by providing extra support and care so that they can readjust to daily life. -
Reducing Risk on the Honduran Riverbanks
The Finnish Red Cross worked with the Honduran Red Cross, the German Red Cross and the Italian Red Cross to support twelve communities in the Department of Yoro in northern Honduras to prepare for natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. -
Aware and Resilient
Between April 2013 and May 2015, Aware and Resilient worked to create community links between different disaster management actors at the local level and raise awareness among European citizens of the benefits of disaster preparedness. -
Disaster preparedness for older people
"PrepAGE" worked across five EU countries to identify the specific needs of older people in emergencies, and to develop strategies to increase the disaster preparedness of this group. -
Fighting acute malnutrition in Chad
Working in partnership with the Red Cross of Chad, the French Red Cross implemented a project to reinforce health structures and reduce cases of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in the districts of Ati, Oum Hadjer and Yao.