Search results for “European Commission”
179 results found in 5 categories.
16 positions
Lessons from the Safe Homes programme: Hosting as an option to accommodate people who have lost their homes
This report, leveraging the Red Cross expertise and first-hand experience, reflects on the opportunities and limits of using hosting as a tool to accommodate people who have lost their homes. It outlines 15 key lessons for authorities to ensure the safety, dignity and well-being of hosts and guests. The lessons elaborate on some vital aspects of the long-term preparedness that public authorities should put in place to make hosting a potential and positive option for the future.Download pdf -
Civil Protection Guidance for National Societies and IFRC relations with EU actors
A guidance document for National Red Cross Societies and the IFRC on their relationship with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.Download pdf -
Responding to the cost-of-living crisis
Recommendations to the EU and Member States towards protecting European households from socio-economic hardship and to assist not-for-profit organisations in providing crucial support in meeting increasing critical needs of those at risk.Download pdf -
People-centRED approach: Strengthening local-to-global capacities
Red Cross practices and recommendations to the EU and Member States to empower communities and help bring about long-lasting positive change in people’s lives.Download pdf -
Key Priorities for the EU in the future
Red Cross EU Office recommendations to guide and inform EU decision-makers taking up their mandate in the European Parliament and the European Commission for the next five years.Download pdf -
The EU Humanitarian-Development Nexus
Joint recommendations from National Red Cross Societies in the EU, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the EU's operationalisation of the Humanitarian-Development Nexus in context of today's longer, more volatile, and multifaceted emergencies.Download pdf -
Recruitment and Retention in Social Services: Unlocking the Sector’s Job Creation Potential
Social Services Europe commissioned a study looking at existing interventions made at national level in the field of recruitment and retention in the social care sector, and identified barriers at several levels.Download pdf -
Contribution to the public consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights
These joint recommendations from members of Social Services Europe - CEDAG, EASPD, EPR, Eurodiaconia, FEANTSA, Solidar, Caritas Europe, and the Red Cross EU Office - focus on integrated social benefits and services.Download pdf -
Recommendations on a Union Resettlement Framework
Joint recommendations from Caritas Europa, CCME, ECRE, ICMC Europe, and the Red Cross EU Office to ensure that any Union Resettlement Framework strengthens Europe's humanitarian commitment to achieving protection and durable solutions for vulnerable refugees across the globe.Download pdf -
Reforming the Common European Asylum System in a spirit of humanity and solidarity
Our recommendations to the EU and its Member States on the process of reforming the Common European Asylum System.Download pdf -
Europe in crisis: facilitating access to protection, (discarding) offshore processing and mapping alternatives for the way forward
The study analyses policies and practices of joint processing, while considering the practical difficulties raised by a joint EU external processing scheme.Download pdf -
Resettlement in the EU: a fresh start for vulnerable refugees
Our call to the EU and its Member States to improve policies and practices regarding resettlement in the EU.Download pdf -
The role of the private sector in the growth of developing countries
Our recommendations for strengthening the role of the private sector in building resilience.Download pdf -
"An open and safe Europe – what next?” The post-Stockholm agenda
Our humanitarian point of view and recommendations in relation to the EU migration, asylum and border policy agenda.Download pdf -
Enhancing maternal and child nutrition in external assistance
Our contribution to the preparation of the European Commission Communication, "Enhancing Maternal and Child Nutrition in External Assistance".Download pdf -
Strengthening community resilience
Our contributions to the consultation in preparation of the European Commission Communication on Resilience.Download pdf
132 news
Promoting protection during the Belgian EU Presidency
Belgium’s EU Presidency saw the Belgian Red Cross promoting protection and rights, shaping EU agendas, and co-organising events to address humanitarian needs. -
World Refugee Day: Solidarity in Action through the Safe Homes Programme
On World Refugee Day, we are proud to publish our new Lessons Learned report from the Safe Homes Programme. -
Red Cross EU Office and National Societies showcase expertise at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum
On 4 and 5 June 2024, the Red Cross EU Office and several of our member National Red Cross Societies participated in the 8th European Civil Protection Forum. -
Lessons from private hosting: from emergency to preparedness for future welcoming initiatives
We co-hosted a discussion with the European Commission inviting different stakeholders to share perspectives from their experience in supporting people seeking a new home. -
Supporting the mental health of people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
On 9 April, the IFRC and the European Commission co-organised an event about the provision of mental health and psychosocial support to people displaced from Ukraine. -
Local actors are key to addressing growing humanitarian needs
The European Humanitarian Forum focused on the unprecedented levels of humanitarian needs in the current context of forgotten crises and fragile humanitarian environments. -
Health and social care as a human right
We talked with Anya Blum to learn about the Austrian Red Cross’ work promoting long-term care in Austria and beyond. -
European Humanitarian Forum: for more effective and sustainable solutions
The third European Humanitarian Forum is an opportunity to promote dialogue among key stakeholders on pressing humanitarian challenges. -
Safe but uncertain: two years after displacement from Ukraine
Two years after the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, some people from Ukraine living in the EU face a situation of uncertainty. -
For a European Social Fund Plus that fosters inclusion
Based on Red Cross experience providing food aid and material support to people experiencing vulnerability, we contributed to the European Commission consultation on ESF+. -
EU decision makers reach political consensus on the Pact: humane implementation of new rules is paramount
Following the political consensus reached on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, we urge co-legislators to conclude the reform in a spirit of humanity. -
The climate and health crises must be urgently addressed together
Climate change is already driving humanitarian crises around the world and triggering unprecedented consequences on people’s physical and mental health. -
Israel-Gaza conflict: we must preserve humanity
The dramatic escalation of hostilities in Israel and occupied Palestinian territories has left millions of people living in fear and interrupted critical services. -
Putting trafficked persons at the centre of the EU anti-trafficking response
The EU Anti-Trafficking Directive provides common rules to EU Member States for supporting and protecting survivors of trafficking in human beings. -
Three core priorities for the Spanish EU Presidency
The Spanish Red Cross is mobilised to promote the voices of volunteers and the people they assist in national and European discussions. -
Making Family Reunification a Reality
Together with the ICRC, we call on leaders to renew efforts to improve the implementation of the EU Family Reunification Directive. -
Seven priorities to expand resettlement and safe pathways to Europe
Ahead of EU Member States submitting their pledges for the EU resettlement scheme, we call on leaders to ambitiously expand safe pathways to international protection. -
Raising awareness about the importance of health
We talked with Sandrine da Cunha Couto, Health Awareness Officer, to learn about the Spanish Red Cross’ work when it comes to health, particularly with regards to prevention. -
Guaranteeing an effective needs-based and people-centred approach through the Global Europe mid-term review
The mid-term review of Global Europe should ensure increased support for the people who are most in need. -
New Agenda for EU relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
The future EU-CELAC partnership should build on local capacities and put the needs and rights of vulnerable people at its core. -
Reinforcing healthcare systems at national and European levels
In the framework of the European Public Health Week, we hosted the event “Accessing healthcare in the EU – Bridging gaps and tackling vulnerabilities”. -
Food aid and cost-of-living crisis in Europe
RCEU and Eurodiaconia organised a roundtable at the European Parliament to discuss food aid and the consequences of the increase of cost-of-living crisis in Europe. -
No health without mental health: the EU’s long-awaited comprehensive approach to mental health
While applying a holistic approach to mental health, the EU's new mental health initiative needs to recognise the critical role of community-based mental health services. -
Press release
The world is not ready for the next pandemic, warns the IFRC
The IFRC's World Disasters Report focuses on how preparedness ahead of COVID-19 was inadequate, and how the world can prepare more effectively for future public health crises. -
Supporting people in Ukraine and beyond - the Czech Red Cross response
We caught up with four colleagues from the Czech Red Cross to hear about their work to support people within Ukraine and on the move. -
The EU as a global health actor: ambitious new strategy
While outlining a solid roadmap to improving health and wellbeing, the EU Global Health Strategy needs to recognise the role of local actors in supporting remote communities. -
Voices of young people at European level – the European Youth Network
We caught up with Eva Croon who recently represented the Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Network during a meeting with European Commissioner Janez Lenarčič. -
The stakes are high for the 2023 EU Budget- will the EU deliver on its commitments?
The 2023 EU budget should apply a principled and people-centred approach aiming to boost resilience, strengthen social cohesion, and reach the most vulnerable groups. -
Caring for older people in age-friendly communities
We are launching a new publication showcasing good practices, challenges and lessons learned by Red Cross Societies in Europe on healthy ageing & long-term care services. -
Voices of young people at EU level
Over the last six months, the French Red Cross supported a group of Young Ambassadors to participate to contribute to discussions in context of the French EU Presidency. -
A collaborative response to address the needs of people displaced by the Ukrainian conflict
The European Civil Protection Forum will be an important opportunity to exchange and to take stock of the first lessons learnt from the Ukrainian crisis. -
Mounting global needs call for renewed European leadership on resettlement
We call EU leaders to make the most out of the solidarity provided in the last months, and to step up resettlement to meet global protection needs. -
Cash and livelihoods: a winning combination for long-term sustainability and support to refugees
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme provides cash assistance and longer-term livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities in Turkey. -
Conflict in Ukraine and displacement to Europe: the Red Cross response
The Red Cross has scaled up its operations in Ukraine and in the countries receiving people who have fled the conflict. -
First European Humanitarian Forum: improving assistance and collaboration to address needs
The European Humanitarian Forum on 21-23 March 2022 focused on many of the most pressing global issues. -
Press release
Launch of ambitious partnership between IFRC and EU: a new model for the humanitarian sector
The pilot Programmatic Partnership aims to support local action in addressing humanitarian and health crises across at least 25 countries with EU funding. -
Promoting people-centred approaches to provide high-quality long-term care services
European Red Cross societies' experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people of all ages submitted to inform the upcoming European Care Strategy. -
Converging Approaches to Combatting Homelessness in Europe
The Red Cross EU Office and French Red Cross hosted an event to identify strategies for prevention, response and actions to exit homelessness. -
The road towards affordable, high-quality long-term care in the EU
Our workshop on the European Care Strategy identified challenges to quality long-term care and how to resolve them, focusing on care for older people in Slovenia. -
The dignity and rights of people must be upheld at the EU’s eastern border
Amid the worsening humanitarian situation at the EU's border with Belarus, the focus needs to shift to ensuring respect for fundamental rights, in line with EU values. -
EU Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in External Action
One year after the European Commission presented GAP III, it is still difficult to assess the difference it will make in the fight for gender equality in EU external action. -
EU Action Plan on Migrant Smuggling: A missed opportunity to uphold the protection of humanitarian space
The European Commission's recently published Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling falls short in safeguarding the humanitarian space and access to protection for migrants. -
The EU cannot shirk its responsibilities towards Afghans in need of international protection
Ahead of the Resettlement Forum, we call for an ambitious and additional resettlement programme for Afghan refugees and a flexible use of other available pathways to safety. -
Time to Get Resettlement Moving!
Ahead of the EU Resettlement Forum, the Red Cross EU Office appeals to EU institutions and member states to urgently revive and increase resettlement efforts. -
An ambitious budget for EU external aid: will the EU walk the talk and leave no one behind?
With the new NDICI - Global Europe now adopted, efforts are needed to ensure local actors drive resilience strengthening efforts in all phases of its implementation. -
Non-Profit Actors for a Thriving Social Economy
The European Social Economy Summit, hosted by the European Commission and the City of Mannheim, discussed the upcoming EU Action Plan on Social Economy. -
Pandemic drives EU preparedness efforts
Amendments to the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism allow for increased operational capacities and more flexibility to use funds in emergencies. -
Volunteering to facilitate social inclusion
In Greece, the Hellenic Red Cross runs two multifunctional centres which place opportunities for migrants to volunteer at the core of their work. -
Volunteering and intergenerational connections to promote active ageing
Red Cross Societies recommendations on Europe's ageing society based on experience in caring for disadvantaged and vulnerable people throughout the life cycle. -
Promoting needs-based support for children and young people
The European Commission's Child Guarantee aims to uphold the rights of children and support children in need in an inclusive and participatory way. -
Syria - a decade of mounting humanitarian needs
At the Brussels V Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, the Red Cross Red Crescent called for safe humanitarian access and a political solution. -
New Communication on the EU's humanitarian action – a mixed bag
The European Commission's recent Communication on EU humanitarian action addresses key concerns facing humanitarian action, but still leaves room for improvement. -
Anticipation Hub: striving to make anticipatory humanitarian action the new norm
The Head of the Anticipation Hub talks to us about how critical anticipatory action can be in reducing loss and suffering of communities ahead of disasters. -
Family reunification: adjusting EU procedures is crucial
Increased efforts are needed so that legal frameworks translate into smoother and more humane processes on the ground. Read the summary of our webinar on this issue. -
Immigration detention should only be a last resort
A webinar organised by ICRC Brussels and the Red Cross EU Office brought together 70 experts to discuss its humanitarian impact, and alternatives to uphold human rights. -
Helping refugees in Turkey regain control of their lives
"We only came with our souls," says Amal, from Syria. The largest humanitarian programme of the EU, the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN), supports people like her. -
It's time to end violence against women and girls
One in three women in the European Union has experienced physical or sexual violence. The COVID-19 pandemic is making it even worse. Stronger action is needed -
Last call: The future Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund
Joint statement with other international and civil society organisations, making the case for a humane, transparent and effective use of EU resources for asylum and migration. -
Press release
Red Cross expands COVID-19 testing in 7 European countries with €35.5 million EU support
The partnership will allow National Societies to step up their assistance to embattled national health systems in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. -
Climate change and COVID-19 must be tackled together
Adaptation, preparedness, anticipatory and early action must be immediately scaled up, breaking the silos and improving collaboration across all relevant sectors and actors. -
Delivering FEAD beyond 2020: achievements, challenges and lessons learned to support the most deprived
One in five people in the EU were at risk of poverty or social exclusion before the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands more struggle now, and many need help for the first time. -
Good disaster risk governance helps to save lives
In a global context of increased emergencies, effective disaster laws and well-functioning disaster risk management systems are crucial to minimise suffering and deaths. -
Resettlement can't wait!
We appeal to the EU institutions and Member States to urgently revive and increase resettlement efforts. Read our joint statement with other aid organisations -
World Humanitarian Day: real life heroes amid growing conflicts, natural disasters and epidemics
The aid community, including donor governments and other actors, must ensure safe access to people in need and funding for short and long-term – beyond the COVID-19 emergency. -
A triple emergency in Lebanon: the Beirut explosion, COVID-19 and an economic crisis
Field teams are helping the most vulnerable. National Red Cross Societies in Europe and beyond support them on the ground, and mobilise resources to cover humanitarian needs. -
Syria: violence, COVID-19 and access constraints
At the IV Brussels Conference on "Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region", the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement called for safe, unimpeded access to people in need -
The New Pact on Migration and Asylum
For World Refugee Day, the Red Cross EU Office calls on the EU and Member States to increase safe, legal migration channels for protection seekers to the EU. -
EU Aid Volunteers: A Story from Ukraine
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the Finnish Red Cross who was deployed to Ukraine to support communications activities. -
The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN)
The Emergency Social Safety Net cash assistance programme will help 1.7 million refugees in Turkey to cover their basic needs. -
Flattening the Curve
With Europe currently at the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, Red Cross volunteers and staff have been on the frontline of the response. -
Enhanced post-earthquake support to Albania
The international support for Albania expands in order to help over 32,000 vulnerable people who have remained in urgent need of assistance after November's earthquake. -
Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine
We caught up with Antoine Terrien, Country Manager in Ukraine for the Danish Red Cross, to hear about the work to increase preparedness to disaster risks in the country. -
Reducing the use of immigration detention: lessons from Bulgaria
We talked to Mariana Stoyanova, head of Refugee-Migrant Service at the Bulgarian Red Cross, to find out more about immigration detention in Bulgaria. -
Shifting to a greener response
How the Red Cross Red Crescent is working to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of its humanitarian action. -
Integration in local communities: working with, and not for migrants
On 4 December, stakeholders gathered in Brussels to discuss how to better promote diversity and the integration of migrants across Europe through meaningful participation. -
Making the case for a balanced EU approach to migration and development
At the Tampere conference on 24-25 October, Finnish Red Cross Secretary General Kristiina Kumpula contributed views on the relationship between migration and development. -
The future of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
We join 18 CSOs in calling on EU co-legislators to work towards developing a more humane, transparent and effective Asylum and Migration Fund. -
Global Refugee Forum 2019: our call for EU leadership on resettlement
Ahead of the Global Refugee Forum on 17-18 December, we call on the EU and its Member States to demonstrate leadership on resettlement. -
EU Aid Volunteers: a story from Bangladesh
We spoke to an EU Aid Volunteer with the German Red Cross about her experience with disaster preparedness through Forecast-based Financing in Bangladesh. -
Legal preparedness needs more attention in Europe
Representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission, the UN and the Red Cross discussed the gaps and strengths in legal preparedness for disasters in Europe. -
EU aid: Lessons learned from 5 years of FEAD
The 17th meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) network took place in Brussels, bringing together experts from across Europe. -
The EU must stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants and refugees
We join over 100 independent organisations calling the new European Commission to stop the criminalisation of solidarity with migrants in Europe. -
Mental Health Matters
On 18 June, Red Cross Red Crescent representatives were at the European Development Days in Brussels to discuss mental health services for vulnerable people. -
Enabling a Europe that really protects
On World Refugee Day, we call on the emerging leadership to commit to enabling a Europe that really protects. -
Using FEAD to support vulnerable elderly people
On 4-5 June, the 16th meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) network took place in Lithuania to discuss support for older people. -
Livelihoods at risk: adapting to climate change in Sudan
The German Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross are working with the Sudanese Red Crescent to improve community resilience to climate change in Sudan. -
Exploring the future of EU humanitarian aid
Adapting to the changing nature of humanitarian crises requires closer cooperation and new approaches towards aid. -
Using AMF to support transparent and effective migration policies
Recommendations from civil society organisations to ensure that the Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF) supports humane, transparent, and effective migration policies. -
Investing in migrant children and their futures
On International Migrants Day, the Red Cross EU Office urges the EU to ensure that migrant children are protected and provided with tools to build a positive future. -
Improving the reception of asylum seekers in the EU
Enhancing the management of asylum reception was the focus of the closing conference of the European Platform of Reception Agencies. -
The Global Compact for Migration
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) set to be adopted on 10-11 December, provides an chance to reassert the human rights of migrants worldwide. -
Strengthening the social impact of food and material assistance through accompanying measures
On 4-5 October, Red Cross practitioners contributed to the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) Network meeting in Malta. -
Building partnerships for effective FEAD delivery
Representatives from across Europe met for the 11th meeting of the FEAD Network to discuss how to work together to improve social services. -
Supporting Niger, key cross-road of migrations to the EU via Libya
In a hearing at the European Parliament, Red Cross EU Office director, Denis Haveaux stressed the importance of protecting people on their migratory routes through Niger. -
Strengthening social rights
Social Services Europe presents its position paper and key recommendations on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. -
Civil protection in the face of changing risks
At the sixth European Civil Protection Forum, the Red Cross Red Crescent shared insight into its work with communities to mitigate growing risks. -
Exploring the role of volunteers in delivering FEAD
Members of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) Network deliberated the challenges of recruiting and valuing volunteers in the provision of food aid. -
Ensuring staffing for quality social care
A new report commissioned by Social Services Europe highlights possibilities for strengthening recruitment and retention in social services, in the context of EU policies. -
Eighth FEAD Network Meeting: Exploring the many faces of FEAD
The French government and implementing partner organisations invited stakeholders to Paris to visit local FEAD projects and discuss ideas for the programme's future. -
Helping young people into their first job
Thousands of unemployed young people in Spain receive Red Cross guidance and support to succeed in starting their first job. -
Addressing gender inequality and sexual and gender-based violence in disasters through law and policy
Mechanisms are needed to connect the legal and policy frameworks related to disaster risk management, gender equality, and SGBV. -
Ten years of the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid
The Consensus references most of the key humanitarian issues of today, from the humanitarian-development nexus to the localisation of aid. -
Seventh FEAD Network Meeting: preventing food waste through FEAD actions
Actors in food waste prevention and food aid came together to discuss how it can be developed to best serve vulnerable people. -
The Grand Bargain: working towards localisation
The IFRC highlighted the need to expand the use of funding and strengthen capacities for localisation, in its address to COHAFA. -
Sixth FEAD European Network Meeting: the “whole person approach”
The 6th Network Meeting of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) focused on the importance of the "whole person approach" to providing support. -
Examining human migration and wetlands at the European Development Days
The Red Cross participated in the presentation of the "Water Shocks" report about the Sahel, a key region of migration today. -
Civil society support for migrants: decriminalising solidarity and providing humanitarian admission
The Red Cross contributed to a conference on the role of civil society in supporting humanitarian admission of migrants in the EU. -
Press release
New programme to assist Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries
EU Trust Fund provides EUR 49 million to the Red Cross Red Crescent to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries. -
EU funding for the integration of migrants
The Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross shared views on EU funding at the information day "EU funding for the integration of third-country nationals". -
NGOs call upon EU institutions and member states to expand the use of safe and legal channels for refugees
We urge the Council and the European Parliament to continue to support and promote the use of humanitarian visas. -
Third FEAD Network Meeting: Synergies between ESF and FEAD
The meeting focussed on finding synergies between initiatives funded under FEAD, and those financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). -
First FEAD Network Meeting: Motivating, coordinating and training volunteers
Red Cross practitioners share insights on motivating, coordinating and training volunteers to deliver food aid and social assistance. -
Reception of asylum seekers: a crucial step towards a new life
With around 1.2 million asylum claims registered in 2015, reception systems across the EU are currently under unprecedented strain. -
Red Cross contribution: Enhancing equal partnerships to implement the 2030 Agenda
The Red Cross EU Office highlighted ways in which the EU can bolster its partnerships to further support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. -
Coordinating Effective Responses for When Disaster Strikes
There is a growing need for legal preparedness due to the rising frequency, severity and impact of disasters, as well as an increase in the number and diversity of responders. -
FEAD Network Launch Conference
On the 2nd and 3rd of June 2016, the first Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Network launch conference was held in Brussels. -
Supporting Resilience through Red Cross Red Crescent Initiatives
The Red Cross Red Crescent participated at the European Development Days 2016 through the Livelihoods Resource Centre and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. -
Press release
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2016
The Red Cross Red Crescent will share its latest innovations in livelihoods programming, as well as field-insights from the Partners for Resilience programme. -
Press release
IFRC doubles support for migrants stranded in Greece
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has more than doubled its Emergency Appeal to CHF 28.7 million. -
Press release
IFRC Secretary General and Austrian Red Cross Secretary General call on EU to expand efforts to reach most vulnerable and isolated
Our call to the European Union to increase its support to people affected by "forgotten” humanitarian crises. -
Let’s start to close the gap between humanitarian needs and responses
The World Humanitarian Summit is a historic opportunity to begin to bridge the widening gap between humanitarian needs and capacities to respond. -
Europe in Crisis: Facilitating Access to Protection, (Discarding) Offshore Processing and Mapping Alternatives for the Way Forward
The study analyses policies and practices of joint processing, while considering the practical difficulties raised by a joint EU external processing scheme. -
Red Cross EU Office Conference on the EU Asylum Reception System
The Red Cross EU Office convened a public conference to address the key challenges and prospects for guaranteeing high reception standards for asylum seekers across the EU. -
Reception of asylum seekers: dignified standards must be maintained across the European Union
National Red Cross Societies in the EU stand ready to support EU Member States’ asylum systems to uphold the dignity and rights of migrants. -
ECHO Annual Partners Conference: Brussels launch of World Disasters Report 2015
The Red Cross EU Office participated in a panel discussion where we highlighted some of the main findings of the World Disasters Report 2015. -
Spanish Red Cross received EU Health Award
Spanish Red Cross receives an EU Health NGOs Award for its exceptional work in fighting Ebola. -
International Disaster Reduction Day 2015
The Disaster Resilience Journal: be informed, be prepared, and become resilient. -
European Commission staff donation to the Red Cross
European Commission staff donate generously to support the Red Cross migration response. -
Our Principles in action
50 years of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Fundamental Principles. -
Resettlement in the EU: a fresh start for vulnerable refugees
Ahead of World Refugee Day, we are calling on the EU and its Member States to step up their resettlement programmes. -
The Red Cross Red Crescent at European Development Days 2015
At the EDDs 2015, the Red Cross Red Crescent contributed to discussions on scaling up resilience, and on supporting migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
The Road to Sendai
The Red Cross EU Office Director underlines the crucial role that disaster risk reduction plays in strengthening resilience and saving lives and money.
28 activities
RED ROSES: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience
With natural disasters of escalating intensity and frequency due to climate change, the need for a coordinated, cross-border response has become imperative. -
Social innovative community and voluntary-based services for older people
The I-CCC project aims to influence national reforms in long-term care through developing, testing and advocating for social innovative community and voluntary-based services for older people. -
Safe homes
The Red Cross is implementing the Safe Homes programme in 9 EU countries and carrying out an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of private hosting in different European countries. -
Medical assistance to people displaced from Ukraine
In response to the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, the Bulgarian Red Cross operates helplines for health and psychosocial support to ensure that people displaced from Ukraine have access to healthcare. -
Finding financial independence, following passions
Funded by DG ECHO, the ESSN by IFRC and the Turkish Red Crescent is the biggest humanitarian programme in EU history. Refugee families in Turkey receive monthly cash assistance enabling them to decide how to cover essential needs. -
Piloting Shock Responsive Social Protection in Nepal Through Cash Assistance
Every monsoon season, Nepal is hit by floods. The Nepal Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross are tying anticipatory action into the Nepalese social protection system through forecast-based cash assistance which reaches 270 households vulnerable to disaster. -
Lay Home Care: promoting healthy and active ageing
Amid an ageing population in Slovenia, the Slovenian Red Cross supports healthy ageing by offering an educational programme for adults who have older people in their lives, providing knowledge & skills in caring for a person with specific needs. -
COVID-19: Scaling up testing and strengthening national health systems with EU support
Since the beginning of COVID-19, seven National Red Cross Societies in the EU have been supporting their countries' health authorities in the fight against the pandemic through mobile testing. -
Disaster preparedness among neighbours in the Alps
IRONORE 2019, a full-scale civil protection exercise in Austria, brought together several Red Cross Societies and rescue organisations to prepare for various cross-border emergency scenarios. -
Help and protection for migrants at Lithuanian borders: "I see a family member in you"
Qualified teams monitor the situation, train border guard officers on how to interact with migrants, and provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in detention – including legal aid and family reunification services. -
Supporting unaccompanied and separated children in family based care
The SAFE project worked to enable frontline practitioners, care professionals, and foster carers to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence in providing better quality family-based care to unaccompanied and separated children. -
Assisting Venezuelans on the move
The Red Cross is implementing a humanitarian assistance project to help people affected by the Venezuelan crisis. -
Waste management in Myanmar
In the densely populated Hlaing Thar Yar Township, the Myanmar Red Cross works with the Finnish Red Cross and the Danish Red Cross to ensure a safe and clean environment for the local population. -
Dhaka earthquake and emergency preparedness
In the disaster-prone city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the German Red Cross led a project to prepare local communities and authorities for quick and efficient emergency response. -
Supporting informed asylum decisions worldwide
The Austrian Red Cross works to provide accurate and up-to-date information on asylum seekers’ countries of origin to improve application processing across Europe. -
Providing physical rehabilitation and psychosocial support in war-torn Syria
Danish Red Cross-led project with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) aims to reconstruct health care facilities, deliver physical rehabilitation to people with long-term disabilities, and provide psychosocial support. -
Improving migrants’ access to rights and services through coordinated civil society action
Through innovative thinking and coordinated efforts, the Rights of Migrants in Action project addressed the specific needs of thousands of migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking. -
Displaced in their own city: supporting people in Mosul
Hygiene promotion and the provision of clean water, non-food items, and healthcare are amongst the services being offered by Red Cross Red Crescent partners. -
Increasing the capacity of local actors: the Lebanon case
The partnership between the Lebanese Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross aimed to reduce the Lebanese Red Cross’ dependency on donors while increasing their ability to address local needs. -
Managing natural resources in Burundi
A project implemented by the Spanish Red Cross and Burundi Red Cross has supported sustainable development in the Makamba province through local farmers' cooperatives. -
Solace and support for survivors of domestic abuse
The Danish Red Cross, Hungarian Red Cross, Romanian Red Cross, and Bulgarian Red Cross are strengthening psychological approaches and practices to strengthen the resilience of women and children who have experienced domestic violence. -
Fuelling hope in northern Colombia
The Norwegian Red Cross and the Spanish Red Cross are supporting the Colombian Red Cross to deliver life-saving support in the conflict-torn areas of Colombia. -
Cash transfers in Swaziland
The worst El Niño weather phenomenon in decades has left 25 per cent of Swaziland's population in desperate need of food assistance. With entire crops failed, the Red Cross is turning to cash transfers to help see families through the difficult times. -
Reducing Risk on the Honduran Riverbanks
The Finnish Red Cross worked with the Honduran Red Cross, the German Red Cross and the Italian Red Cross to support twelve communities in the Department of Yoro in northern Honduras to prepare for natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. -
Empowering young asylum seekers and refugees
The EU-funded Volunteering for Social Inclusion (VSI) project looked at the merits of voluntary service as a pathway to support the social inclusion of young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and Denmark. -
Disaster preparedness for older people
"PrepAGE" worked across five EU countries to identify the specific needs of older people in emergencies, and to develop strategies to increase the disaster preparedness of this group. -
Fighting acute malnutrition in Chad
Working in partnership with the Red Cross of Chad, the French Red Cross implemented a project to reinforce health structures and reduce cases of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in the districts of Ati, Oum Hadjer and Yao. -
Combating violence against older women
"Breaking the Taboo" aimed to improve the situation of older women living at home by empowering health and social service professionals to recognise abusive situations and to help combat them.